ASCII art puzzle discussion

Thx a lot !
IFS same my day !

I cannot pass C# test 5 - MANHATTAN with another ASCII representation. When I output each line of the ROW string I get broken characters instead of the ABC… block as expected. Is anyone else getting unexpected result with the ROW string for Test case 5.

This is what the first 3 letters look like when I loop through with Console.Error.WriteLine(ROW);:
.----------------. .----------------. .----------------.
| .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. |

| || | | | | | | || | | __ / | || | ‘.-. | | _/ / \ \_ | || | _| |__) | | || | \..’\ | |
| ||
| |
|| || | |_____/ | || | `._____.’ | |
| | | || | | || | | |
| ‘--------------’ || ‘--------------’ || ‘--------------’ |
‘----------------’ ‘----------------’ ‘----------------’

I’m having lots of troubles on doing this puzzle, can somene give me a light? I’m trying to solve it on java.

In the C boilerplate code, there is an fgetc after the fgets call that loads the T variable that shouldn’t be there. It eats the first white space character in the first row of the ASCII art. This caused some confusion for me initially.

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Merci ! J’étais passé à côté et du coup en 10 secondes c’est résolu. J’y suis depuis hier !

Attention il n’y a pas que les espaces de différents dans ce test, il y a aussi les 3 petits points… :wink:

Beware, only \n is working and not the \r\n which can be see in expert mode, nor the \r alone. (Javascript test)

I’ve managed to complete all the test cases, but after I hit submit it sits there saying that it’s loading and computing my score, but nothing more happens. How do I get credit for this if I can’t get it to submit?

We had an issue with the platform. It is fixed now. You can submit again to get the results.
I’m sorry it happened :frowning:

Hello, I am a beginner at C programming here. I tried putting the following code inside the ‘for’ loop given, but I cannot pass the tests.

For test 1, the top line of E is off by a little bit. I do not know why, below is my code.

for (int j = 0; j < strlen(T); j++) {
            int index;     // for the alphabet
            if (toupper(T[j]) >= 'A' && toupper(T[j]) <= 'Z')
                index = toupper(T[j]) - 'A';
            for (int k = 0; k < L; k++) {
                printf("%c", ROW[(index * L) + k]);   // e.g. Letter B: we need to print from row[4] to row[7]

Can anyone help please? Thanks!

Cant do this puzzle, it says expected : "### " found: "### " I’m confused as to what it can be

try to add debug prints in your loop which prints the result. It seems to me you’re printing empty characters.

it’s off because of a getc call aftter fgets. Why this is here Idon’t know but I removed it.

Thanks for your response, the problem was indeed on my end, I got too comfortable with arrays and was printing out of bounds, a rookie mistake on my part. Cheers.

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Hello, je sèche sur ce puzzle

Hello all,

I’m stuck on the “M@N@TTH@N” test.
I made a loop if like WangCY code above and the same loop “else if” but like that to write the @ character :

    else if (toupper(T[j]) <= 'A' || toupper(T[j]) >= 'Z')
            for(int x=0;x<L;x++){
                printf("%c",ROW[(taille-4) + x]);

My code crash and write each time the character “?” at the end of each test and for “M@N@TTH@N” test, the output console write this :

# # ## 
### # # ## 
### ### ## 
### ## 
###  # 
# # # #  # 
 #   #   # 
# #  # 
### ## 
# # ### ## 
 #   #  ## 
# # ## 
# #    
# # # #    
 #   #     
# #    
# # #  
# # # # #  
 #   #  #  
# # #

I don’t understand why the output console is like that and I don’t know how to not read the last character of the array “\0”
Any ideas for how to hanlde the “@” character ?

I think you went out of bounds of the array T. Also, beware of the magic number 4 in your code :wink:

Thanks, that’s it !
I was out of the array and the magic number wasn’t 4 but 5 thank you :slight_smile:

Hello @Maxpeigne
You struggle as me. you can put under the line “raw=input()” : print(raw). And play the first test you will see that it represent all alphabet in ascii format.

so you need to write a program : that parse t string and for each letter you write the index of the corresponding letter from the given table : tab=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?

t= !holLa

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so you need to write a program : that parse t string and for each letter you write the index of the corresponding letter from the given table : tab=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?

t= !holLa

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