Layout improvements, console output, video size

I regularly encounter a few difficulties while coding that I think could be addressed with some minimal layout changes, or options.

  1. The console ouptut in compete is too small to see the output. There is a list of names to the left that reduces the size, and I often can’t see the horizontal scroll-bar to scroll. Though I’d prefer that the text wraps instead, since it’s too hard to use. I spend too much time searching and trying to read the output.

  2. The video output is fixed in posiiton, and small. The only option is to make it fullscreen. I would really like to make it larger, without being fullscreen: maybe theater mode like YouTube. It would also be nice as a popup, or at least a way to keep it in-view when I scroll down reading other things.

  3. The test buttons, and submit buttons, take up a lot of space and are not used frequently. I’d prefer to have smaller buttons somewhere (maybe left side), with popups, and give this space to the console ouptut, or maybe text editor.

You can watch my streams to see the problems in action. I spend a lot of time expanding, reducing, resizing, and scrolling outputs looking for stuff.


Console output is also capped, which can be annoying when you want to see all sys err messages.


True, the current IDE could be improved. No need for a global rework but some minor changes could be interesting. I’ll bring that topic in the dev weekly meeting (on Wednesday) and come back to you.


There was a similar discussion in the chat not too long ago. To append a fourth point, it would be nice to be able to completely hide the editor. Especially when a sync plugin is used to work in a local file and the editor is set to read-only, that website space can be used for more important things.

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The player names taking a lot of space is in many cases an annoyance, yes. I usually end up F12 and hiding/tweaking those divs. A rework in the GUI is very welcome.

Another problem we usually have is the difficulty to retrieve/recover inputs. Debug it’s OK sometimes, but on Platinum Rifts it’s almost impossible to export data for debugging/tests.
There should be an option to have a window with inputs per turn. Not debug console, but a separate, specific frame for that.

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