Please add the following programming languages

You really should add Ada 2012 (and enable 202x features as they come) as it’s a perfect language for gamedev, even John Carmack said it (badly, I mean mispronounced :wink: ).


Yup, I build my own toolchain including the FSF GNAT. I on;ly build the AdaCore components for the other AdaCore stuff like gprtools and will add gps and asis at some point.

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As i said, i am not asking for npm packages.

Simple support to use stuff like brain.js / synaptic.js is all i asked for.

Any chances to get the numba module for python3 soon?


Please add Nim programming language. It compiles to efficient C. Clean python like syntax and very performance

Compile Nim into C then C into binary? Why not Nim into binary?
Ha, nim is in Debian.

The GNU APL compiler is in Debian too. Is it a good enough reason to add it? :thinking:

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Brainfuck too is in Debian. :grin:

Common lisp.

Common lisp is a standardised and mature language with efficient free implementations. It is a very expressive language which allows for rapid prototyping and iterative development. As a bonus, it is excellent for AI applications (think bot programming in contests).

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Scheme is a standardised and mature language with efficient free implementations. It is a very expressive language which allows for rapid prototyping and iterative development. As a bonus, it is excellent for AI applications (think bot programming in contests).


I’m sincerely amazed that neither Fortran nor Matlab have been added so far. Talking about coding without including these two major programming languages feels like publishing Shakespeare in Filipino or Zulu and not in English.
Please admins. Please.

Please add Cobol Programming.

P.S. More on my blog.

Please add the language Elixir. Because it is not object oriented,but rather functional, it would provide greater opportunity for learning different techniques beyond just syntax differences. Plus, Elixir is used by major telecom companies and social media sites alike for highly scalable and resilient design of high node count systems. I think Elixir would add great learning potential to many of the network-type coding challenges hosted on this site by introducing an alternative approach to the more standard object oriented languages. Plus it’s a lot of fun to write!


Julia has reached v1.0. Please add it to the list of the programming languages.


Here is an offcial documentary on Elixir

Julia gets my vote.


Please add Pony

Pony has the beauty and the simplicity of Lua, and takes advantages of research about programming languages, with mathematical proofs, like Ocaml.
It’s open-source, object oriented, statically typed and compiled. It’s a very interesting emerging language.

I would like to learn it more, and I need Codingame puzzles for that :wink:

I also would like to see typescript here for various reasons.

  • its easier to debug as type safety in javascript is really helpful
  • it got some functionalities, which arent supported by Javascript engines so far
  • its pretty well spread now as its the standard for angular developement
  • it will be possible to write ‘good looking’ javascript code for contests a.s.o.
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I would love to see elixir.

It would strengthen the presence of functional programming (relying on immutable semantics) but it is not strict, making an interesting compromise for writing software fast.

Its standard library is very powerful and possibly a good match for many problems presented here without making it trivial.

It could provide an interesting angle to decomposing problems as its light-weight process model is ideal for spawning lots of separate, easy processes without requiring additional threads (but able to benefit from additional cores if available and SMP is enabled).

(I also would like to thank the community for providing clojure, Haskell, and Ocaml.)

If I could provide any assistance in implementing this I would happy to do so.


lfe would be a great addition, yes. It’s more lispy than clojure to me and comes with a powerful and well-written standard library under the hood - one which I would chose over the JVM’s any day. Plus, if you add one BEAM virtual machine language, others would be much easier to add. :slight_smile: