Rank in contests

What parameters makes score in contest?
I made program which win boss, but in submit battles my score is lower.

The scoring is based on trueskill, see wikipedia for details, it will explain there’s more approaches to scoring technique.

First you play 10 placement games which give a very rough estimate of where about your bot should start battle its way to the top.

Then you keep fighting random nearby opponents. Wins and losses drastically change your ranking points at first, but gradually the confidence of where you belong increases so your rank changes less and less until you get stabilized at your current rank.

Fact: since some bots are stronger vs specific strategies and you might be unlucky and get matched against those bots that counter yours more often you will see that resubmitting can yield different results.

So in few words, just keep submitting and keep an eye out for changes that did improve your bot a lot more than just a few extra ranks.

Actually a forum search would have helped you more:

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thanks for the exhaustive answer