
Quelqu’un s’est essayé au challenge TEADS.tv ?
j’ai 8 tests valides sur 10. Mais à l’envoie à la validation, juste un seul test est validé.

c’est pas la peine de résoudre leur challenge. J’ai réussi à passer tous les tests mais malheureusement personne m’a fait un retour suite à mon demande de mis en relation.

Si tu n’as pas une solution hardcodée, il est possible que le problème vienne de chez nous. Si tu timeout sur un test de validation pour un problème de type “texte”(pas de viewer graphique), tu peux avoir des résultats erronés au niveau de certains tests.

Peux-tu envoyer ton code à coders[at]codingame[dot]com?

c’est fait, l’envoie du code à l’adresse indiquée

je fais un update de mon message laisse il y a longtemps.

Depuis, j’ai eu le contact de la part de Teads.tv. J’ai passe leur teste technique(un autre qui est different de celui de codingame) et ensuite j’ai fait des entretiens avec leur responsable back-end et CTO. En gros, c’est un start-up en croissance et ils veulent vraiment des bons developers scala.

J’ai réussi a décrocher un offre au final :). j’avoue ca paye pas trop mal mais moins bien que ma boitre actuelle. si j’avais pas achete mon appart, je aurais tente vraiment chez eux.

bonne chance les codeurs scala

Perso j’ai réussi, même en PHP. J’avoue avoir galéré surtout pour trouver la bonne façon de compter sans exploser les ressources… mon premier script ne passais que les 4 permiers tests et plantait en perf après.

hey can you help me to debug this… if you could give me longest path for test case 5,6,7,8,9 it would help me to debug…

Quick question here on the same topic, all 10 IDE tests pass with my solution, but the test 7 fails during the validation. I am totally out of ideas about what could cause this… Did someone have the same problem for this test ?

Almost same problem here, every tests pass, but validation 10 fails…

I rewrote it with a different algorithm, same complexity, and this time 100%; Dunno why it hadn’t work the first time…

I actually had the same thing happen. My program ran fine for all tests, but failed verification #10.
Same as you, i simply re-wrote it :smile:

I like my new version better anyways.

Oldest excuse in the programmers’ book: “It works fine on my machine”

In case it helps anyone: Codingame’s machine is slower than mine which causes tests 8 and 9 to timeout. Here is how I found out:

I’ve been working on the Tead.tv challenge for a while. I’ve manage to get all tests to pass appart from test_8 and test_9. As my machine was reporting execution times of 217ms and 386ms I couldn’t understand why I got a timeout message for those two tests.

So I added a call to system.diagnostics.stopwatch (C#) and started collecting information. Here are my findings:

test 1 on their machine took an average of 27.71ms to execute, and on mine averaged 13.57ms
test 2 on their machine took an average of 26.71ms to execute, and on mine averaged 12.71ms
test 3 on their machine took an average of 28.86ms to execute, and on mine averaged 13.43ms
test 4 on their machine took an average of 30.71ms to execute, and on mine averaged 13.57ms
test 5 on their machine took an average of 40.43ms to execute, and on mine averaged 15.43ms
test 6 on their machine took an average of 94.57ms to execute, and on mine averaged 20.14ms
test 7 on their machine took an average of 383.29ms to execute, and on mine averaged 28.86ms
test 8 on their machine FAILED MISERABLY WHEN TRYING to execute, and on mine averaged 217.57ms
test 9 on their machine FAILED MISERABLY WHEN TRYING to execute, and on mine averaged 386.86ms
test 10 on their machine took an average of 28.29ms to execute, and on mine averaged 13.14ms

Which demonstrates that their machine is slower than mine.

Before I’m off to the drawing board, two questions in case any of you know:

  1. Have you managed to complete all the tests in C#?
  2. Do you know what is the time limit for that timeout?

UPDATE TO THIS POST --> After following the suggestion from @NewboO (thanks!) I can confirm that the timeout is indeed 2 seconds.


@DobleD, the time limit for a timeout is 100ms, I guess.

Not in this kind of puzzles. I know it’s 6 seconds for PHP, so probably something like 2 seconds for C#. However, it’s easy to find the timeout with a simple program: make a loop containing a sleep and a print to stderr.


Thanks @SaiksyApo

Thanks for the suggestion @NewboO I did try a sleep briefly but not inside a loop. I’ll give it a go and see what I can find.

Please use the already existing thread. :wink:
I had the same problem, your method does not seem to be the fastest one.

Yeah i know i have to optimize it, but the algorithm (Using matrix) fails for testcase showing invalid output. I wanted to know that fits perfectly, or i am missing something i mean to pass test case 4.
I’ll optimize it later. sorry, I didn’t use the existing thread as it was in different language :slight_smile:

Check if all values in the range are used.