Defibrillators puzzle discussion

Indeed, the conversion has to be done not only for the cosinus ^^

I donā€™t understand whatā€™s going wrong here:

    double currLon = Math.PI / 180 * Convert.ToDouble(LON);
    double currLat = Math.PI / 180 * Convert.ToDouble(LAT);
    double lat = Math.PI / 180.0 * Convert.ToDouble(fields[4]);
    double lon = Math.PI / 180.0 * Convert.ToDouble(fields[5]);
    double x = (currLon - lon) * Math.Cos((currLat + lat)/2);
    double y = currLat - lat;
    double d = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2)) * 6371;

I keep getting Zoo de Lunaret as the result on the first test instead of the the correct result.

Where is my calculation going wrong?

Beware: the decimal numbers use the comma (,) as decimal separator. Remember to turn the comma (,) into dot (.) if necessary in order to use the data in your program.

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Thanks for that, I realized I didnā€™t do a replace on the initial position values (I was doing it on record values). It made a difference, but now Iā€™m still stuck getting Hotel de Ville as the answer.

The relevant code looks like:

    LON = LON.Replace(',', '.');
    double currLon = Math.PI / 180 * Convert.ToDouble(LON);
    LAT = LAT.Replace(',', '.');
    double currLat = Math.PI / 180 * Convert.ToDouble(LAT);

        DEFIB = DEFIB.Replace(',', '.');
        string[] fields = DEFIB.Split(';');
        double lat = Math.PI / 180.0 * Convert.ToDouble(fields[4]);
        double lon = Math.PI / 180.0 * Convert.ToDouble(fields[5]);
        double x = (currLon - lon) * Math.Cos((currLat + lat)/2);
        double y = currLat - lat;
        double d = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2)) * 6371;

Any ideas?

longitude is given before latitude, youā€™ll have to switch your fields indices

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Ah, whoops! Thank you!

Hello, I have a problem with this quest. I consider my algorithm well-working but the system says that the ā€œcomplete file 2ā€ failed. Any ideas?

`Scanner in = new Scanner(;
String LON =;
String LAT =;
int N = in.nextInt();

    String result = "";
    double distance = 999999999;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        String DEFIB = in.nextLine();
        String[] elements = DEFIB.split(";");
        double lon = Double.parseDouble(LON.replaceAll(",", "."));
        double lat = Double.parseDouble(LAT.replaceAll(",", "."));
        double longt = Double.parseDouble(elements[4].replaceAll(",", "."));
        double lat2 = Double.parseDouble(elements[5].replaceAll(",", "."));            
        double a = (lat2+lon)/2;
        double x = (lon - longt)*Math.cos(a);
        double y = lat - lat2;
        double d = Math.sqrt(x*x+y+y)*6371;
            distance = d;
            result = elements[1];

    // Write an action using System.out.println()
    // To debug: System.err.println("Debug messages...");


Thank you for any help

Conversion degrees -> radians is missing

My code pass the tests even if I leave input coordinates in degree.

apples + oranges

EDIT: also (x*x+y+y). are you even trying?

This saved me, thanks so much. Using the given formula was definitely why I was only getting 75%. Using this basic distance formula helped. sighs I knew that formula looked overly complicated for no reason.

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Guys, Pleae help me. I have an error, and I really donā€™t understand what is the problem, someone pelase explain me what should I look for while debugging, the error is this :
ps. I am using c++ and to transfom the string to double I use stod(sting)

at raise.c. function __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) on line 56
at abort.c. function __GI_abort () on line 89
at string_conversions.h. function __gnu_cxx::__stoa<double, double, char> ( __convf=0x401180 strtod@plt, __name=0x401eb9 ā€œstodā€, __str=0x614ec8 ā€œ;Maison de la Prevention Sante;6 rue Maguelone 340000 Montpellier;04 67 02 21 60;3.87952263361082ā€, __idx=0x0) on line 65
at basic_string.h. function std::stod ( __str=";Maison de la Prevention Sante;6 rue Maguelone 340000 Montpellier;04 67 02 21 60;3.87952263361082", __idx=0x0) on line 2889
at Answer.cpp. function get_lon ( a=ā€œ1;Maison de la Prevention Sante;6 rue Maguelone 340000 Montpellier;04 67 02 21 60;3,87952263361082;43,6071285339217ā€) on line 85

shouldnā€™t it be obvious from the error message that you are trying to convert the wrong string?

I had this problem too. 1, 2 and 4th tests are passed, but 3rd failed. But when I submit my code, I had reached 100%!

I found that in some lines there are commas in the name or something, be sure to replace ALL commas (for 100% solution)

Test (Exact Position) expects ā€œCimetiere Saint-Etienneā€. But there is no ā€œCimetiere Saint-Etienneā€ in input.Can someone explaint that for me?

There is oneā€¦ Scroll, there are lots of entries ^^

So,then can someone help me? Canā€™t pass Exact Position. Maybe problem in this part(calculations)
DEFIB = DEFIB.split(ā€™ ; ');
var x = ( LON * Math.PI / 180 - DEFIB[ 4 ] * Math.PI / 180 ) * Math.cos( ( LAT * Math.PI / 180 + DEFIB[ 5 ] * Math.PI / 180 ) / 2 );
var y = LAT * Math.PI / 180 - DEFIB[ 5 ] * Math.PI / 180;
var d = Math.sqrt( x * x + y * y ) * 6371;
if( d < min || min == 0){
min = d;
index = i;

At least, you forgot to change ā€˜,ā€™ by ā€˜.ā€™

Oh goodness I just didnā€™t get the precision needed until i realized that i properly replaced the comma to a point on the defibrillators coordinates but NOT on my own positions coordinates facepalm.