Death First Search - Episode 1 - Puzzle discussion

Yeah sorry I just used the same code for episode 2 and found out that there was a bug in my code.
Thanks for the reply

I can’t seem to get achievement for >50 remaining links on the 4th test.

Did I have to achieve that on the first submission?
I modified my code and submitted again with >50 remaining links but I didn’t get the achievement. Maybe I’m still doing something wrong?

You need to solve the validator with 50+, not only the provided test-cases.

Is there any bug with Java, and Chrome 55.0.2883.87 m?

It’s possible but I doubt it.
What “bug” are you encountering?

No thing, i just wrote this message before i started it.
i wanted to avoid this question if it has a bug.
but i finished it successfully.

oh :confused:
Just consider that there are no bugs with the classic puzzles from training section. Plenty of CodinGamers have already solved them.

hi I am in C# I am wondering if anyone has any tips for separating the 1st command from the next so that I can finish the puzzle.
thx hope somebody replies

This is my first quize ever on that site so maybe I don’t know something obvious. The rules stay that I should have locations of the exit nodes and agent, but do have I really? Where can I check them? Or I should mess and add some my code to the loops to capture them to some my variables?

Yup, that’s it. Read the inputs and save it to your variables so you can work wit it the way you want.
Mess it all :slight_smile:

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What do you mean by separating the 1st command ? Why should you need that ?
You can use a boolean for example

unable to gain 150xp points even after passing 4th test case with more than 50 links left and scoring overall 100% , any idea?

Check out the 4th validator in your results. You have only 42 links left after you pass the test. Analysing the replay will help you understand how to get the achievement.

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I’m having trouble with timeout in the last stage. Is my “find_shortest_path” function too inefficient?

def find_shortest_path(graph, start, end, path=[]):
    path = path + [start]
    if start == end:
        return path
    if start not in list(graph.keys()):
        return None
    shortest = None
    for node in graph[start]:
        if node not in path:
            newpath = find_shortest_path(graph, node, end, path)
            if newpath:
                if not shortest or len(newpath) < len(shortest):
                    shortest = newpath
    return shortest

Why not a BFS instead of a simili-Dijkstra?

Thank you! It worked :+1:

Quand je soumet mes tests j’obtiens 100% et seulement 2 succès sur 3. Je ne comprend pas pourquoi je n’obtiens pas le succès “Embuscade” alors qu’il me reste 51 liens actifs sur le 4ème test.

My problem is that I don’t get the “skynet agent’s position” (SI) in the next turn. I can’t “cerr” it out. I’m using C++.

Hi everyone!
I’ve compleated the puzzle (100%) and in the fourth test 52 links remained, but I didn’t get the third achievement (ambush).
Is this a bug, or I’ve just missed something?

You didn’t solve the validator with more than 50+ links


(What counts is the validator test, not the IDE test)