How much can I print to StdErr

Theres clearly a limit to how much I can print to std err, I’m wondering what the limit is and why its not on a per turn basis?

Turn 1 I print out 10 lines; 10 lines printed
Turn 2 I print out 10 lines; 10 lines printed

Turn N I print out 10 lines; 8 lines printed lasst one has an ellipses “…” at the end
Turn N +1 I print out 10 lines; 1 line is printed and is partial with a “…” at the end.

Players may want to have huge traces to stderr (especially early stage when debugging) for a single given turn. So we allow up to 4K bytes output per turn.

But there may be a high number of turns and it would be too much for our system (storage,network) if each turn would output 4K. So once the accumulated output goes above 200K, we limit the output to 1K bytes per turn.


Finally a clear statement for log size, thanks :slight_smile: