Before I give my opinion, let me congratulate the three creators @wildum @Illedan and @AntiSquid, the two additional testers @csj and @nmahoude and the three winners @Saelyos @ValGrowth and @reCurse .
The - (I remember a French teacher in school tell me to always finish with pros if you like a thing…)
Instability: too many bugs. I guess we needed one more week for tests. CG is faulty there; we were late on the toolkit stability and then couldn’t test the game enough. The amount of different complex rules didn’t help…
Complexity: too many rules, big statement, big stub, big referee. Hey, I play HoTS, do you expect me to like items, denying and last hitting? Seriously though, we could have made a better onboarding (more wood leagues) to slowly introduce every rules and make the game more digestable.
The +
The team: the 3 creators were incredible. I can tell you that they worked a lot to produce the best game they could. They hot-fixed most of the bugs pretty quickly. They streamed. They did support on chat/forum…
The type of game: I understand complaints about the asymmetric character of the game. While it can hurt a bit the top competition, I find it great because it’s very different from what we have on CG.
I finished at rank 51 in Legend (2nd time \o/) and even reached the 2nd place on Friday afternoon. I wish I could code during the weekend and aim for top 20, but I stopped coding on Thursday night (family stuff). The creators must find my ranking funny because I told them on Monday I didn’t really like the game. Let me explain…
I forced myself during the first weekend to code a first AI and get to bronze but I was close to give up because it felt overwhelming. There was no way I could handle everything (not that I needed to). Ellipses in the statement didn’t help.
Finally, I managed to get Bronze and decided to try a few spells. I went directly for Valkyrie (isn’t she great?) and Dr Strange for the PULL-SPEARFLIP combo. Objective was to one-shot squishy targets. I continued with this start because it was very efficient vs Ironman-DrStrange which was the meta.
I think I was one of the first (if not the first) to make it work efficiently. I didn’t care at all for LH or jungle. This got me top 100 on Wednesday. Prioritizing Dr over Ironman (dat %$* BLINK) and playing backwards vs full melee got me to top 5 on Friday.
I liked the game; it was fun. And I’ll be happy to play it more when we release it (soon).
@freecode unless told otherwise, I’ll give your T-Shirt to @Petras2 (rank 22)