CodinGame Sync Beta

Works great on Win 8.1 pro and VS2015!


Working with my Visual Studio. Thank you.

the plugin works well, are there still plans to open source it?

does this allow you to get the result too? I wanna try Machine Learning on some games, and i think it should work if i can get results on my end

Does anyone know if there is workable plugin for InteliJ IDEA?

I also had this issue. Try doing the first option (install both ext and app) instead of the second. In other words. Pretend this part of the article didn’t exist:


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it not work well for me why ? i don’t have any message … juste no label activate with ON

nb : i use Opera

You have installed both? The App and the Extension? I could not install the App on my Opera GX. Had to install Chrome which I now only use for CG.

My only issue is that it takes up to 30 seconds to copy the code from the file into the CG IDE when I save the file. Any ideas?

Using it on Win 10, latest Chrome and VS 2022

Writing C# mostly

Not working with opera as browser. :frowning:

I can’t use Chrome Online Store to download.Could you give me the install file dictectly?Send it to

Is there any way to use different file location by puzzle?

Hi I still did not found an Edge ext …

Screenshot from 2023-03-14 15-25-31


It works with neovim!! :smiley:

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Here is important request.

Don’t you have an exe application? Also, I hope to see it on Steam. Finally, I hope to speak more languages from different countries. I really can’t understand English



Hi all!
As this tool is completely outdated, we will no longer support it and will remove it from the chrome extension store.
We do not plan to do a new version of it.
RIP CodinGame Sync :skull_and_crossbones:

Hey there!

Just a reminder that there’s an alternative: CGLocal created by @Jasperr .


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