Yes, you’re correct.
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Okay new problem:
All my tests are good, except the 20. Which have for threshold: 10
I have these data:
* threshold: 10
* input: 9J4T7A55Q.Something just touched my leg!.9T75.RainMan.Cute dealer.Is that Penn or Teller?.TATA.A.I'm so smart.366K9.362436
* higher than threshold: J
* higher than threshold: T
* higher than threshold: Q
* higher than threshold: T
* higher than threshold: T
* higher than threshold: T
* higher than threshold: K
* map of valid cards drawn:
* 2: 1
* 6: 4
* 3: 3
* 5: 3
* A: 4
* 7: 2
* 4: 2
* 9: 3
* analyzedCards: 29
* nbCardsRemainingToDraw: 23
* Periods distracted: 5
* unvalidCardsDrawn: 7 good cards but above threshold
* baseValidCardPossible: 32
* validCardsDrawn: 22
* stayingValidCardPossible: 10
* 43%
I recounted the displayed data by hand, and it seems correct to me, would it be possible to give me a clue?
Your calculation of 10 is problematic. There are 14 cards which are valid and undrawn:
2: 3
3: 1
4: 2
5: 1
7: 2
8: 4
9: 1
By the way, please always quote the full test/validator name when you are asking, for easier reference. For example, this test is “Test 20 Anything but 10”.
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Thank you! I validated the test!
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hhhhelp… I need a hint urgently( How should I calculate the percentage chance…?
number of cards whose value will be less than bustThreshold / number of remaining cards x 100%