Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better
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Created by @Rafarafa,validated by @JeZzElLutin,@Andriamanitra and @kayou.
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Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better
Send your feedback or ask for help here!
Created by @Rafarafa,validated by @JeZzElLutin,@Andriamanitra and @kayou.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.
Should the following be added in the statement ?:
- The START codon (AUG) does generate ‘M’ which has to be added into the string even if no close codon is present afterwards.
I’m sorry but that should not hold true unless I missed something.
Note that the sequences are only stored when scanning a stop codon (step 2). That implies that if, for a given index, the translation process terminates in an OPENED state, the current sequence is lost.
Do you have an example of a test sequence whose solution does what you claim?
ok i figured out my issue, missed that start codon is actually adding a symbol in the string so my code ended with quite strang outputs.
My comment is mistaken, thank you for your quick feedback anyhow.
LOL, test case #5 even reveals Rick’s DNA… How did you get that?
Years of careful investigation.
I think it doesn’t hurt if I post the generator for those here: Generator -
give M
starts with AUG
but then AAU
gives N
brings V
and a single A
remains. Thus, there is no terminating sequence.
U-GAU-AAU-GAA-UGU-GA (No start codon => None)
UG-AUA-AUG-AAU-GUG-A (No end codon => None)
| |
But it expects ‘MMM’ and not ‘M-M’ although :
For all three starting indices return the translation that yields the most amino acids. If that translation consists of multiple sequences, return them joined by a -.
MMM contains 3 M’s
M-M got 2 only
[‘MMM’] count as 3 alhtough it is one…
MMM is one sequence containing 3 amino acids
We know each M is an amino acid because it comes from a given table
The codon_table contains every codon and their corresponding amino acid.
To pick one from multiple possible answers we count amino acids.
return the translation that yields the most amino acids
I read every detail of the statement many times (without going to external resources) to come up with this understanding. Overall it is a well written statement. It is relatively hard to comprehend because the subject matter is itself complicated.
To complement @java_coffee_cup 's explanations, there is also this line in the constraints:
For each rna string a (non empty) solution exists and is guaranteed to be unique.
In the same test: “4. Correct length”, the three translations of the first rna are:
[‘M’, ‘M’]
[‘M’, ‘M’]
only the amount of amino acids returns a unique solution. If you use either the amount of sequences, or let’s say the final, “-” joined string, the solution is no longer unique.