[Community Puzzle] Cultist Wars

Would it be possible to add the bosses from the event to the community game? It would be great to have some targets for progression. I understand if it is too much work but it if its relatively easy I would appreciate it.


Bosses, and everyone’s bot too, like official contests or sponsored contests.

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And leagues, the full monty …


Bump and +1

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Hi, someone know when we’ll get silver, gold and legendary leagues ?

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We don’t even know IF we’ll get silver, gold and legendary leagues. :frowning:


I have a feeling it’s not going to happen, I could be wrong; I wouldn’t hold my breath while waiting though! :smiley:

Well, it happened! New leagues in Cultist Wars! :tada: Thank you CG.


That is a good PM :slight_smile: (easy to understand as well :-))

I was really proud of my implementation of the algorithm… until I found it doesn’t match the game and sometimes shoots obstacles :frowning: Much appreciation to the creator, its a fun challenge.