Probablement un caractère non imprimable en trop.
I see that idea of gravity pulling sideways as pure Einsteinian thinking.
Not sure that helps solving the puzzle though.
Same thing for me. Have you found a solution?
salut a tous j’ai probleme
mon code passe tout les tests je l’ai meme optimisé afin qu’il accepte n’importe quel couple de symboles cependant la validation JBM retourne une erreur.
comment aller plus loin ? quelle piste puis-je explorer
I really have no idea how anyone could meet any trouble with the JBM validator, it’s really strictly easier than the CG test in almost every regard.
I’ve added another case pair, let’s see if that helps people.
How come this puzzle marked as “easy” in terms of difficulty level? I mean the original “GRAVITY” puzzle has a medium one. It is even more funny when you read author’s comment:
This puzzle is a twist (hah!) on classic community puzzle “Gravity”. You may want to solve that one first.
Could you please consider to move it into MEDIUM level?