[Community Puzzle] Next growing number

Hello, the last test is not valid for me. I have used one loop to increment n and another one to compare each two digits, starting from left.
Any hint to optimize that ?

I can’t pass the Validator 1, can i have a similar execution of this validator pls ?

General advice:
If your language can handle big integers, try to calculate N+1, convert it back to string and start from here, it will be wayyy easier.


Think about what the problem is. If you have a 400 digit number, is incrementing by one something that can be done in a feasible amount of time? codingame has a limit of 2 seconds per test case roughly.

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The last case really complicates things in javascript because the largest number possible 9007199254740991.

Did you try this:


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Didn’t know it existed. Thanks!

How can it be solved without converting the String to number?

By comparing digits, and maybe converting them to their ASCII values if needed.

thanks. this pushed me over the hump.

turns out the worst thing that can happen to a codingamer is “accidentlally” pass the local tests. I guess as the old saying goes its better to know why a test fails than to not know why one passed :smiley:

Thank you so much, your comment helped me solve it.

I always fail Test 5 and Validator 5 because of timeout.
But my solution works for all numbers, and with enough time also for very big. How can it be optimised even more?
I use a function increment(char *num_as_string, int *len) which adds 1 to the string number.
My main function has the following structure:
+declaration&initialising of string, length and the bool growing.
+Hardcoded solution for numbers below 10, which have no previous digits that are bigger, and could be defined as ‘growing numbers’.
+A dowhile loop that first sets growing to true and uses the increment function once
+A for loop that goes trough the string, and checks if i+1th digit is smaller than i th digit, if yes then growing is false and it breaks out of the for loop
+if growing is still true at the and dowhile breaks, and the next growing number is printed.

Edit: Now I used another approach for the main() function. It works a lot better.
+declaration&initialising of string, length,the bool growing
+Hardcoded solution for numbers below 10.
+Using the Increment function in case n is already a growing num
+declaring a char ‘biggest’= first_digit of the num
+A for loop that goes trough the string

  • if i+1th digit is smaller than biggest, then n[i+1] (i_th digit) =biggest and growing=false
  • elif(n[i+1]>biggest){depends on growing …}
    +Output the modified string

Please describe your approach instead of posting your code here.

Also, your code doesn’t timeout in Validator 1; the issue there is that your code produces a wrong answer.

A faster way is to directly generate each digit of the answer, from left to right. Try finding a pattern or a rule of what the (n+1)th digit should be depending on the nth digit.

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