Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better
Send your feedback or ask for help here!
Created by @Teiglin,validated by @schubc,@cedricdd and @Timinator.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.
Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better
Send your feedback or ask for help here!
Created by @Teiglin,validated by @schubc,@cedricdd and @Timinator.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.
Very similar to AoC 2020 Day 20 Part 2, except here flipping is not allowed and edge and corner tiles have special borders that can be used as extra info.
It is similar indeed . Of course I was not aware of this challenge, but my goal was to make this puzzle as close as possible to a “real” puzzle, that is: rotation only, and one knows which pieces are on the border. (Also we get a beautiful picture at the end
No worry, it is a fine puzzle and you put much effort in the fine test cases, etc.
It was different enough that adapting and simplifying my AoC solution was not boring.