[Community Puzzle] Random Walk

Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

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Created by @Westicles,validated by @Malte42,@Alain-Delpuch and @FredericLocquet.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.

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I did not find it clear that the first value of D is not to be used as a move direction. I suggest to improve on the description.


Maybe it should be moved to medium?

It should be moved to CoC instead.


Thanks for the feedback, I submitted it as a clash.

@nicola suggested to move the contribution to CoC instead of submitting the approved puzzle again as a clash?

There isn’t any way to move it like that. Anyhow, it is proving to be wildly popular (38 have solved it already) so it is looking to be valuable IP.

Is there any math tip/insight to solve this or optimization to the bruteforce approach? Precomputing the calculations still slow

Edit: Was solving it recursively with unecessary overhead, sorry about the spam