[Community Puzzle] Rummikub 1 - Puzzle discussion

Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

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Created by @jddingemanse,validated by @Rafarafa,@cedricdd and @Remi.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.

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Great puzzle! Thank you in particular for including six testcases with only one PUT action, before testcases that require several actions.

A COMBINE action can be used to merge two runs into one longer valid run. Order the rowids from the two rows numerically. The new run gets the lowest rowid (rowid1), the other rowid (rowid2) becomes unused.

In case of a split, the new run with the highest numerical tile values gets a new rowid (highest rowid that existed + 1)

I suggest either
replacing: “the other rowid (rowid2) becomes unused”
with “the other rowid (rowid2) becomes unused (but still cannot be attributed to new runs).”;

or at least
replacing: “highest rowid that existed + 1”
with: “highest rowid that ever existed + 1”

(in consistence with testcase 16)

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Thanks, glad you like the puzzle. Your suggestions are good, I changed it into
...the other rowid (rowid2) becomes unused (and cannot be attributed to new runs).
...(highest rowid that ever existed + 1)...

By the way, @Stef_3, given that you liked Rummikub 1, any interest in validating Rummikub 2? :innocent:

I have to try it, maybe soon.

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