[Community Puzzle] Sky Maze Adventures 1

Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

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Created by @The_Capra_Aegagrus_H,validated by @JohnyDarecek,@philRG and @Winter_not_comming.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.

Contrary to what the statement says, the starting position in the maze is not always (0,0) :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. Fortunately, reading once the player position in the loop provides the missing information. Reviewers did a poor job on this puzzle.


The statement does not state that the starting position is always (0, 0). It states that the top left corner is (0, 0), and the starting position is (0, 0) only in the example.

Yet, when I tried to solve it, the statement did give me the same impression as yours, and I was stuck until I realised my misinterpretation. I agree that the statement may be written more clearly to avoid misunderstanding.

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I admit that I may have been a bit too harsh but the statement is really not on par with the job done on graphics.

I also discovered in by printing stuff in stderr ^^".
You might want to make it more explicit.

:wave: Hi to All !

I’ve just submit my C# solution, but the first Validator fails “TimeOut” whereas all the IDE tests and others Validators pass :thinking: …
→ cf. the replay : Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better
Can someone help me to understand what is different in this one, or where is my mistake, please ?

Thanks by advance, please :pray: …


The first validator is similar to the test “Plain”, it’s a square slightly bigger where every positions is walkable, you start at the top left and want to reach the bottom right.
You can try to override the values of w & h to something like 12 and set the destination coordinate to (11;11) and use the “Plain” test, you will start at (0;0), the test will fail but the point is not to fail because of a timeout.

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:wave: Hi to All and thanks so much @cedricdd for your help :
→ checking my code with your Tip helped me to find where was my bug :beetle: …
→ finally i could get 100% Validators too :slight_smile: !
=> Thanks again for your useful suggestion for debugging :+1: :wink: !

I may also thanks the Author ProgramArt (@The_Capra_Aegagrus_H), and the Validators (@JohnyDarecek, @philRG and @Winter_not_comming) for this sky-full-funny Puzzle :sun_behind_small_cloud: :+1: !


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