[Community Puzzle] Stall tilt

I require assistance.
I cannot, for the life of me, understand why in the world, in the first example, f comes before d…
F has a speed of 25, D has a speed of 23. The optimal speed is 22. They both fall on the second turn. They should come alphabetically, d, then f.
Am I missing something???

Same on the second version. How does F(V=33) come before A(V=20) when the limit speed is 18?

In first example, F comes before D because it has a higher speed.

Ordering of the ones who fall down is first by the number of laps completed, then by speed and finally by name.


Thank you Tutmalo!
This is completely unclear in the description, which is very poorly worded and could just as well ask for alphabetical order.
I am rather disappointed by this puzzle.

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