Discussions spaces update: the question of the chat

The chat has been removed from the website. The chat server is still active though, but the R&D team intends to take it down at some point.

I’ve noted the need for:

  • a direct integration on CG to show activity
  • a clearer organisation of channels
  • a better management of spams on Discord

I’ve already worked towards those objectives.


My jaw dropped when I discovered this thread after seeig there was no chat anymore. Luckily I had already added on discord a friend I made here, otherwise I would have lost his contact. This is a BIG step backwards in terms of experience quality on CG.

And Thibaud, even if I understand the issues you mentioned, I really think it is a BIG mistake to remove it like this. Discord can never replace the experience of an integrated chat. Even if you somehow ‘show avtivity’ by including references / notifications or other, you can’t come remotely close to what we had.
I’m currently in top 200 of Clash of Code but I will stop playing. The loss of the possibility to meet great ppl like BobLob, GotLub and many others (which wouldn’t have been possible without instant chat dedicated to each CoC room) makes it so dull. It really leaves me with a bitter taste in my mouth.

I really hope you could reconsider or consider the suggestions made by others already.
Best regards. And maybe farewell.
RIP chat.


Losing chat and PM in CoC throws away a lot of value. At present, there is no feedback beyond the finish order. There’s no way to compliment anyone on a nice solution, no way to ask about a particular implementation detail, no way to gently suggest sharing code, no way to gently suggest that deleting the boilerplate code is a good idea in “Shortest” mode, etc.


There is still a way - you may try to private message the other player in the forum or on Discord. Of course, it is possible that the other player doesn’t check their inbox soon enough / never checks their inbox / you aren’t able to find their Discord ID. But well, except for the point on ID, the issue equally applies to a webchat.

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I have never written here before but I wanted to let you all know my thoughts.

I play Clash of Code every evening - it’s probably my most played computer games. I feel that the removal of the chat feature has taken a lot of soul from this game I love.

Some of my favourite memories of the game are of discussing solutions and giving/receiving explanations of how a code golf trick works. I will miss saying hello to the other regulars I encounter and being able to complain with my companions when there is a problem with a question. I will miss the random conversations I had with fellow coders and the 15-minute friends I made along the way.

I understand that there may be reasons for the chat’s removal, but I hope that the positives of the chat feature can be taken into account and that your decision may be reconsidered.

A loyal fan,


You’ve summed up here exactly how I feel about the situation. Without chat I wouldn’t know the real people behind the icons, and the game would be much poorer for it.


Yes but the opportunity for exchange will be WAY less I think. Fist of all, I’m sure a great number of ppl wouldn’t even bother to use Discord or join the CG server. Second, I think a good portion wouldn’t bother to change their name on the server to match their CG name so the ‘ID issue’ woud play a major part imo. And third, just having to manually search for ppl in a separate environment is a deal breaker for many. (It’s especially pointless when you’re taking part in a 15min CoC in fastest mode).
So Discord will still be a usefull replacement for general discussion but it is lacking in engagement incentives.
Maybe all this is less of an issue if you only do the training puzzles because you most likely will still find people to help you there but my personal experience is that the people I met on CG were all because of CoC instant chat.
Maybe the compromise should be to have a chat only for clashes and private messages??


There are obviously millions more using discord than users on codingame. Why is everyone up in arms about discord?

Because it isn’t a replacement for the CoC chat. The fact that the Discord server is there is somewhat irrelevant in that context. If I want to chat to my fellow clashers about a problem as I often do, am I supposed to find each person’s account on Discord and message them?

I am sad to see such a big part of the game (for me at least) disappear.


Discord is trash.

Hi. Recenlly, i cannot access chat anymore, but im already lv 12, pls help

Please refer to the above thread, the webchat feature has been taken down by CodinGame.

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The next one will be this forum

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dark times


I hope not … lots of people don’t want to be on discord, and lots of people don’t know about the other chats chosen by some of the community … they will be alone without this forum.


There is no plan to remove the forum.

The forum is a Discourse instance and we have no problem with it. Removing it wouldn’t make any sense.

I invite clashers to use #live-clash on Discord as the default channel to discuss any Clash puzzle you’re currently playing


We as a community should unite, embrace and accept discord chat. Better together!

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I thought that chat not showing up was a bug and not a feature :confused: I play clash from time to time , but now I just don’t see the point. There is no way to ask wth that obscure golf code means, or just interact with other players. Embedded discord can’t replace that, because there is simply no context as to what is on screen, what game are you in etc.


This is the worst. No more clash chat rooms? The baby has been thrown out with the bathwater. Moderation is unnecessary, dealing with anything is better than not having the chat at all. Discussing ongoing clashes with all the participants is why I’ve been an active user and I don’t have a reason to come back here anymore.


It’s very damaging not only to online communities, but also to individuals who are cyberbullied and suffer PTSD from transphobic, homophobic, racist and misogynistic hate speech. I am very proud of the codingame team they work hard to keep us all safe!

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