Many thanks for your answer.
I dont know if i understand what you mean with the variable test, but it seems you think it is to know the number of the running test example.
Its not for that, and for the example 1 to 7(the one before the trap), i made something working well.
But as I said, I forward step by step, cause i dont know everything I should now.
To go further and try to solve the example 8, I have to follow a different way than my old code, because it was made just to react with the clone position, and it didnt made the better way to exit.
So my solution was to read the entries, to calculate a list of variables to apply in the game loop, then run the algorithm in the game loop, set up with the variables read from the declaration block, for doing the correct actions to solve the game.
When the variables are entered manually, the algorithm in the game loop is working, for example 8. My follow step is to calculate the variables with an algorithm.
I though the variable test helps me to know if something is working or not in my code before the game loop, like a console(error) can do in the game loop. I assumed test will return 1 in the game loop, only if the part of the code above the game loop was run, but obviously im wrong.
So yes the code is working for example8, but its because they are the hard coded variables read. I have a flag to know the state of the variable test and the list of variable that should be calculate, they both show, as I can know, like they never been calculated, but i dont know why.
Many thanks again to take time to read my poor english.