You’re printing to stderr only. There is no code that prints to stdout. You need to provide answer using printf() i.e. printf(“%d\n”,1);
J’avais le même problème et quand j’ai pris en compte que la différence pouvait être de 0, tous les tests et valideurs sont passés
My issue is about the validation tests : when I work on the IDE, only 3 tests are displayed and my code passes all of them.
However, when I submit it, I’m being informed there are 8 tests and my code failed two of them. And I can’t access the description of these tests.
Am i missing something ? Is it because I’m a new user ?
Thank you in advance !
It’s not because you’re a new user.
On the IDE, you can see visible test cases only.
When you submit your code, it is assessed using another set of cases called validators. They are invisible to all players. However, you can still check their titles (descriptions) by clicking “DETAILS” under “MY REPORT”.
You have to improve your code so that it can pass all the validators.
Okay, thank you very much for the explanation !
Salut, comme personne n’a addresse le probleme, je viens informer que si on utilise quicksort seulement ca time-out mais si on randomize le tableau de int avant de faire quicksort ca evite le time out parceque ca evite le worst case ou le pivot est toujours le plus grand ou le plus petit nombre. Pour resumer il faut trouver un moyen d optimiser son algo de tri , merge sort marche egalement . J ai fait le probleme en C.
It isnt complete on 100% on Dart, im try all. On python less optimized code works fine
No, im tried all
What do you mean by “all”?