How do i learn to program? HELP ME PLEASE :)

Give me timestop machine and i can do that. Without, i don’t have the time for that :frowning:

All can be argued endlessly, but I do not think one side “wins” over the other. IMO (yeah, let’s add another opinion to the debate) you can stripe down programming to 2 “big” buckets: algorithms (aka Maths, or the solution to your problem) and optimisation (aka what is the best solution to your problem) - (yes, this is very simplified).

Starting off with a “non strongly typed” language might enable you to experiment and develop the “algorithm” part first / faster. It will give the possibility to have a simple program up and rumnning fast and would be very permissive when it comes to datatypes conversion (IMO, closer to the way my poor human brain works. To me, the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42, and I do not separate its written form “42” from is representation as an integer 42, a decimal 42.0 or a quarternion 42.0 0.0i 0.0j 0.0k . It is just 42).

In the other hand, stating off with ANSI C might give you a deeper understanding of the way programming “works”. I had very interesting struggles wih memory violation, multithreading, padding of structures, memory management… etc. Taking the problem by this end might make a newbie very well aware of the lower level construction of the code, and be very beneficial in a optimisation / clear structured code perspective.

I went through both: I started off with microcontroller programming in the technician school (and a great pen and paper exam where the prof gave us machine code in hex printed on a A4 page, the doc of the microcontroller and 3 simple questions: 1- Reverse Engineer, 2- Identify the function, 3- Optimize). It continued with a few months of C programming for microcontrollers in the same school but it was kind of too rough / not rewarding enough for me.

Then I discoverd Python during an internship. It felt great, and I do not think I used much of my C knowledge in, I was happy to actually “break it”. But I think I progressed a lot then. This is why I recommended python to start.

It also fits with what is currently my job now (mostly HR stuff: recruiting, employee development (L&D as backbone)…etc) and this word I hate in everybody’s mouth (generation Y). It has some truth in its cliché though: most people I recruit / have in my team / develop / know / (add anything) in the first half of their 20s (or younger) are highly motivated, highly engaged but need reward and recognition fast. In this perspective, python is very rewarding, very fast.

In my learning journey, I did a little VHDL at school and then started learning LabVIEW professionaly. This is where I learned the most and I am currently trying to transfer this knowledge back into the “C world” (C# to be exact, which in my opinion might also be a good sarting point with the balance of the “rigidity” of the C language and the fast results with its easy event-based HMI programming and its Language Runtime taking part of the low level job away of the programmer).

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Oh… as I’ve seen that list of assertions show up rather often… and it is confusing for how that logic is intended.

I think my suggestion of being multilingual is probably a good response to this.

Essentially, learn some languages–and understand your first will never be your last… and returning to your first after learning others will generally give you a better idea of what to do with your first.

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Well, my first language is Pascal and i really don’t want to return to it …

Mine is BASIC (TO7 then pocket calculator), then Pascal and C (school). :cold_sweat:

I ommited my very very very first: Quick Basic in junior high, when I wan 11 or so. Our math teacher organized an afternoon class to introduce us to the basic of programming. ^^

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Pascal really isn’t that bad. It is what Delphi is based upon.

There are much worse first languages out there.

Mine was actually gwBASIC on MSDOS 3.x’ editor.

I actually would not be against using this as a first language for other people. As the whole “no line numbers” in C… and shifting to not using GOTOs essentially really helps with figuring out how to not be a douche in programming… and allowed me to start off unorganised and messy (which… everybody starts off like that)–and have it be the language making it kind of happen.

Again… I’m really okay with that being a first language for people. It isn’t a really good language–but it generally gets various points as to what programming is about out to people.

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Start with something simple. These JavaScript tutorials should get you started.

I started with Lua, not many people here use it though. if you use Lua, you would need yto rely more on google than us.

me to. i dont know how to do to coding on it. maybe we must do together about it.

There are a lot of good resources that you can use to learn programming. My favorite one is Codecademy. You can learn programming with live tutorial. It is an interactive platform, where you can learn and practice coding at the same time. Other than that, you can also follow some Youtube channels to learn programming. Here is a compilation of some of the popular coding youtube channels.

try to draw bouncing ball in 2-3 langs and choose the one that u like

I’m new to the world of programming and I need some help with the codes. I don’t know where to put the symbols and I don’t know what some of the symbols mean. HELP ME

What puzzle are you trying and with what programming language?

Welcome! It sounds like you’re trying to learn a programming language from the very beginning? If so, it might help to pick a single language to start with so you don’t get confused between them. Codingame supports most popular languages, and I’ve personally found that Javascript, Python, and C++ are commonly used with a lot of free help resources (I personally started with Python). If you’re interested in Python, happy to point you in the direct of some free online classes - they’re probably an easier way to start to get basic fundamentals (like where to put the symbols).

i am a beginner and don’t know how to code. Could you please help or give demonstration

What do you want to program?

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