[Legends of Code and Magic] Remarks and bugs

I’m fine with 10 min wait time, but then I would request a page with the full statement shared at the forum on contest start.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but the league system has been introduced for two purposes :

  • Progressive introduction of rules, so the complete beginners are not scared away
  • Divide the ladder in sub-parts to ease the rankings when there are too much people participating

In my opinion, the first point is irrelevant during sprints; the 4h format is not aimed to complete beginners and it’s just annoying for confirmed players (no big deal when it’s on a 10 day contest tho, but on 4 hours …)

The second point still holds, espacially with such low-number-of-matches pushes.

A solution could be to keep the league system for the second point only; i.e. maybe have two or three leagues, but all of them with the complete ruleset, just with gradually harder bosses.


I made it to bronze in the ideal time (as I submitted very quickly and got there before server problems) and feel that if everyone had had similar submit times to me there would be very few complaints.

Personally I would like access to the bronze statement or a way to skip straight to bronze as I don’t feel having to write really simple code to get to bronze adds anything for me but I can see how the wood leagues are very useful for people with less experience.


We knows, that’s why we didn’t already fix it :slight_smile:

That’s a relief. I’m already looking forward to next sprint!

Bug: Some of my replays have the wrong character portrait. Instead of my picture of two orange Gs, it is someone else’s picture.

Remark: I seem to get this message all the time:
[Warning] RedLightning Action is not legal: ATTACK 3 -1

I noticed in my replays that a lot of the games play through the draft round then the battle round a few turns are fine then neither player does anything (presumably due to the warning above). Anyone know why this is happening? (3 is a valid card instance id and my mana is 12/12)

Maybe the creators (aCat and radekmie)?
That’s a common issue, not limited to this contest.

Maybe your opponent has a guard on the board? (a card with a “G”) In that case you must first attack the guard


The messages aren’t shown correctly during the draft phase.
The message of player 2 appears for both players.
see here and swapped.

Card Balancing error it seems:
card#51(Elite Bilespitter) and card#52 (Bilespitter) has the same cost 4:
3/5L for 4 and 2/4L for 4

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Wouldn’t call it an error since part of the problem is to evaluate card strength.

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Hello, could you commit referee’s assets to run the game locally? It seems they are missing.

According to rules it should be 1 health, but there seems to be a bug in the game engine so it’s actually 12. Reported an issue on the github repo.

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Just a little quality of life request: would be nice to have the guard cards look the same as on board with the grey border while in hands or drafting, would make it easy to look at a replay and follow what’s going on.


Currently ~#20.
I feel like being the first player confers a very important advantage : I win most (or some depending on how high I fight) of my games even when hitting in the top 5 when starting and lose them when being second.

On Hearthstone, being second is compensated by 4 instead of 3 cards plus the mana coin card.
Here, being second is compensated by 5 instead of 4 cards (lower relative advantage) and no mana coin card. Besides, the number of cards is not as much of a problem as it is on Hearthstone thanks to the runes mechanics.

I don’t think we should change the card count or the runes mechanics : that would change the working strategies too much, and people (including me) have already invested too much time in finding them.
However, adding a mana coin card to the second player would, I think, be a clear improvement.


Nothing will be add in game to compensate the asymmetry of the game (atleast not for the marathon). However, we will add permutations (Player 1 vs Player2 AND Player2 vs Player1) once the Gold Boss is live.


Is there a special reason why it is added so late in the contest?

i.e. when legend opens ?
Will the permutations concern everyone or just some leagues ?

Am I wrong? Any feedback would be appreciated.

Hello, could you commit referee’s assets to run the game locally? It seems they are missing.