Mad Pod Racing - Puzzle Discussion

Thank you , you have found my mistake. :slight_smile:

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Just try to scroll in output windowā€¦ the blocks of debug messages looks almost similar, thatā€™s why it looks like you see only the last one.

how can i get to Boss3 after i got the 1st versus Boss2

how do I get it to go to the first checkpoint?

Quick question: is the number of checkpoints constant?

Nope, you have an input variable for the count:

Iā€™m Using python on bronze, and I donā€™t see that variable. Does that only appear later on?

Hm, Iā€™m not sure, I remember itā€™s there from the beginning.

No, itā€™s not. It comes with the promotion to Gold League.

Does the number of checkpoints still vary? I mean before Gold.

The number of checkpoints in one round remains the same, but the number of checkpoints can be different in two different rounds.

Thatā€™s what I meant thanks.

I want to do simulations to predict trajectories and to infer podā€™s decisions based on game physics.
I find it rather hard to infer formula from game data, even after some simple experiments
(accelerating from zero speed to the maximum speed along the X-axis).
Am I missing something? How to do such things in a right way?

For example:

  1. max speed is 277 for throttle=50 and 561 for throttle=100, but 277*2=554, not 561

  2. a pod needs 27 moves to reach the max speed with throttle=50, but it needs 32 moves for throttle=100ā€¦ I wonder is it possible to predict speed at each next step when we start to accelerate having initial speed V with some throttle=T? (Except that experiment with every possible throttle 1,2,3,4,ā€¦,99,100 and saving the results in tables.)

In other words, is there a sane way to ā€œconvertā€ known current speed and known (chosen) throttle into the corresponding value of speed on my next move?

Any ideas which variant of formula I could try? I tried different ones and no one fits so farā€¦ Iā€™m stuck at this moment.

Hey !
Depend of which league you are in. The definitive rules and inputs are unlocked in the Gold one.
Thereā€™s some physic involved in the calculus, more about the collisions than about the speed, but a collision can infer in speedā€¦
I donā€™t know how you made your tests, but be careful about the viewer. It is nice, but not really preciseā€¦ A gap can also exist in the display of the stderr logsā€¦
If you already are in Gold league here is an article about CSB simulation:

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Iā€™m not yet in Gold league, Iā€™m in Silver. Maybe I should first focus on moving to Gold, and then to start with simulations.
Thank you for the link and I will be careful with viewer, that makes sense.

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When you go on to do a simulation you might want to use robostac brutal tester to verify its working fine :raised_hands:


My bot like, circles the checkpoint then touches it until it moves on which is really weird. Any idea what I did wrong?

You can use it to force a collision (for push them away from the checkpoint for example) or prevent a collision (by adjusting your trajectory, possibly producing a curved trajectory to your goal). I have seen a few good examples of doing this.

Unfortunately, a LOT changes in the GOLD league. This makes for a huge learning curve once you make gold: just an FYI.

Yah the same thing

If I try to implement a GA in python, am I going to have trouble getting it to run enough moves ahead for it to be useful (because itā€™s python)?