Mad Pod Racing - Puzzle Discussion

HEy, is there a way to go back to silver league. I got promoted to gold before having time to test the shield

No, there isn’t a way.

Hi, Is it possible to play your pod against pods of your friends on the same map? I’m sure it’s been answered somewhere, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. Thanks.

The answer is here. Look for the DELETE buttons below the existing players’ icons, and then add your friends.

@5DN1L Thank you! I clicked your link, but I didn’t see the answer there.

What are the requirements to add a friend? I’m searching their name but they don’t appear. Do they need to be in the same league as me?

Yes, they need to be in the same league as you.

A practise arena where we could set our own waypoints to test our algorithms would be great.

Is it possible to start from scratch? Even with the league ect.
Because i want to restart with python but it would be more fun to start from the beginning and not from a higher league. Is this possbile?

It is not possible to go back to an earlier league.

How to do a good blocker ? When i search the opponent racer, I follow him and it slow down instead of to hit him heavily ??? i use Smitsimax.

I have absolutely no idea how to even make the pod move

Did you try to follow the tutorial and fix the code?

get the last print message under else condition at the end.
bring the first print conditions after ur if logic

btw, I thought I had to add my own code rather than fix what was already there

I tried out the sample code, and it doesn’t work! Also, what is Pyright?

If you want, you may send me your full code in private message and I’ll take a look.

This does not seem to be a question directly related to any CodinGame puzzles. You can probably do some research with the help of a search engine. You may also ask the question by starting a new “Programming > Python” topic or ask it on CG Discord chat.

Question. I’m in the Bronze league but I lose to the Boss because it can turn off it’s thrust to turn. I can’t get mine to work like that. How do you get it to turn off it’s thrust to turn? This is my code in Java

        if(nextCheckpointDist < 7){
            thrust = 0;
            if(nextCheckpointAngle > 80){
                thrust = 0;
            else if(nextCheckpointAngle > 30){
                thrust = 0;
            else if(nextCheckpointAngle > 15){
                thrust = 0;
                thrust = 100;

Thank you! :dragon: :grinning: :slightly_smiling_face:

You will never hit a checkpoint Distance of 7.

The checkpoint radius is 600. Meaning if you are in a radius of 600, you will already target the checkpoint after that.

Otherwise you’re only slowing down in your code if you aren’t racing head on towards your checkpoint (which is highly likely since you’ll turn towards it pretty fast)

Thank you. I forgot about the radius. I do have another question though. The boss will turn off its thrust to turn but I can’t get my AI to do that. This is my new code.
if(nextCheckpointAngle > 18){
thrust = 0;
else if(nextCheckpointAngle < -18){
thrust = 0;
thrust = 100;
:dragon: :slightly_smiling_face: :grinning:

Is there a way to find the opponent checkpoint distance?