Thank you both ,i’ve been struggling with this for days! But it was simple at the end
How do I beat boss 2? I don’t understand the new command and I also forgot it.
The “else” statement in my code is causing issues. The game is saying that it expected an identifier and instead saw ‘else’.
- Auto-generated code below aims at helping you parse
- the standard input according to the problem statement.
// game loop
while (true) {
var inputs = readline().split(’ ‘);
var x = parseInt(inputs[0]);
var y = parseInt(inputs[1]);
var nextCheckpointX = parseInt(inputs[2]); // x position of the next check point
var nextCheckpointY = parseInt(inputs[3]); // y position of the next check point
var nextCheckpointDist = parseInt(inputs[4]); // distance to the next checkpoint
var nextCheckpointAngle = parseInt(inputs[5]); // angle between your pod orientation and the direction of the next checkpoint
var inputs = readline().split(’ ');
var opponentX = parseInt(inputs[0]);
var opponentY = parseInt(inputs[1]);
// Write an action using print()
// To debug: printErr('Debug messages...');
// You have to output the target position
// followed by the power (0 <= thrust <= 100)
// i.e.: "x y thrust"
print(nextCheckpointX + ' ' + nextCheckpointY + ' 100');
if (nextCheckpointAngle > 90) or (nextCheckpointAngle < -90) ;{
thrust = 0;
} else; {
thrust = 100;
Also the end if statement never worked ;-;.
Instead of OR simply use doublepipe operator that is ||
You can calculate speed manually. You must make variables “prevX”,“prevY” in the end of
game loop code. And calculate speed with theese variables and “x”,“y” variables…
And you don’t need the ;'s in the if and else lines.
How do I use the boost in Wood 1 League? I did an if/then statement, and then put thrust = BOOST;
, but it didn’t work.
EDIT: Oh, also, I am using Javascript.
I think you just print
by itself as the output.
I tried it, and it didn’t work. Any other suggestions?
BOOST instead of speed. You still have to give the x and y you’re trying to aim towards.
I tried that, and it didn’t work. Thanks for trying to help though! Does anyone else know?
Yeah I agree, I climbed all the way from Wood 1 to Gold with the code I’ve written in Wood 1. That’s a huge step to take now and I really have to scrap all my code…
I can help u a little if u ask a question.
How to BOOST in this game ?
I have try replace value of thrust but it’s fail
You need another else if for this.
Here’a way to go through bronze:
1-get the velocity,ie the present position of the pod substracts the previous position of it by x and y,vx=x-x1,vy=y-y1.
2-by velocity get the next position of the pod,ie x2=x+vx and y2=y+vy.
3-get the mirror point of the next position to the next xm=2xd-x2,ym=2yd-y2.
4-use xm and ym as the first two input of the print function
as with thrust,you can try:
if angle>=90 or angle<=-90:
good luck
The physics is not properly explained.
Any tips about SHIELD ?
Can i activate SHIELD after BOOST ?
“However, the pod will not be able to accelerate for the next 3 turns” - 3 turns == 3 laps, or what ?
When should i activate SHIELD ? When my X,Y points are the same like my opponent or 400 units radius between our points