Finished #11 and very happy with this result!
(would’ve been happier if I made top10 but hey, it’s already my best result anyway!)
Some parts of my bot are pretty much the same as what has already been detailed above, some are more esoteric.
It can be split into 3 main components: Tracking, Pathing and Evaluation
1. Tracking
This is probably the least original part, as everybody pretty much had the same features.
I would assume the opponent could start anywhere that’s not an island and then track his path, removing any that wasn’t possible.
The same would be applied to myself for being able to evaluate how stealthy I’m being.
I chose to represent a path as an array of 16 ints (32 bits).
Each of the first 15 int represented a row, in which the first 15 bits where visited tiles in the row, and the next 15 bits where positions a mine was layed, if any (more on this later).
The last int was position.
- After each MOVE, TORPEDO or TRIGGER, the paths that are impossible (moving into an island or out of the map, out of range for torpedo, couldn’t have layed a mine there) are removed.
- After each SILENCE, I duplicate every existing path and from those create new paths to represent every valid silence possibility.
- After each SURFACE, the visited tiles of every possible path are reset (but not the mine component of the paths!) and the out-of-sector paths removed.
- After getting SONARed, TORPEDOed or TRIGGERed, the appropriate paths would be removed based on what positions are impossible given the results.
For the opponent, this was done at the beginning of the turn when processing his orders and would typically be very fast.
For myself, this was done when simulating order combinations and would typically take most of the evaluation time (more on this further down).
What went wrong with that:
Since SILENCE makes the number of possible paths dramatically explode, I had to implement a cuttoff at which I would reset my tracking by creating a new set of paths from the opponent’s possible positions.
Doing this however would also make me lose track of his possible mines, obviously not ideal, but thankfully that cutoff was hardly every reached except against chain-silencers.
To avoid timing myself out as well, I would also have a cutoff at which I would simply not consider silencing, based on the assumption that if I’ve got a gazillion paths, I probably don’t need to anyway.
HOWEVER, the GC being what it is, I would still sometimes timeout when the number of paths got close to the cutoffs.
TRIGGER tracking the way I was doing it (with just one bit for marking a position from which a mine is layed) has one obvious shortcoming: it is perfectly valid for someone to lay a mine, go elsewhere, surface, come back and lay another mine from the same position.
This is impossible to handle with my chosen bitboard, so I pretty much simply chose not to based on the fact it didn’t happen very often. I still prevented my tracking from removing paths based on TRIGGERs if there was any doubt to avoid completely losing track of the opponent in those rare cases.
It is also possible for a given mine to be layed from multiple different positions in a given path, making it impossible to know which mine laying position to remove.
In that case, I simply consider that all mines are still there based on the better safe than sorry principle.
2. Pathing
I basically didn’t have any pathing algorithm, instead I though I’d evaluate how good every potential position I finish my turn in is.
To do this I used a BFS of my next 4 MOVE actions (didn’t take SILENCE into account in that depth search), and for each depth I would score with a decaying factor the position based on available space and the probability of a mine being there.
- Available space is the maximum result of floodfills from every accessible tile around my current position.
- Probability of a mine being there is defined as the sum of the mine laying positions (divided by the number of mines that can be laid from that position) from which a mine that can reach could’ve been laid, divided by the number of possible paths of the opponent.
(This is definitely not proper probabilities, but close enough to get the job done)
All of this with some magic coefficients would allow me to score the value of that position.
What went wrong with that:
Mostly everything. Obviously my bot couldn’t see what was further than 4 tiles away and so would sometimes take a turn that will in 5 turns or more lead it to some dead-end or more often into a minefield and certain death.
Likewise because there was no proper pathing, it would sometimes make a small loop, SURFACE and do a similar loop again, just because it doesn’t see problems that are too far away.
This was probably the worst part of my bot and made me lose many games in silly ways.
3. Evaluation
While my tracking was pretty standard (everybody had those features) and my pathing was clearly below average, I think this part is what made my bot stand out.
Every turn, after processing the opponents orders, I would start by establishing a list of my possible orders that “made sense”, based on some heuristic rules and the state of my cooldowns.
The rules for valid order combinations were:
Only MOVE was mandatory, everything else is optional.
For TRIGGER and TORPEDO, I only consider the best possible one from my position at that time, based on the opponent’s possible positions.
“best” is defined as the amount of guaranteed damage that this TRIGGER or TORPEDO will do, which can be 0, 1, 1.5 or 2.
1.5 damage is a guaranteed 1 damage blast that also hits a possible ennemy position, as that is obviously better than a blast that covers all ennemy positions but hits none of them.
For TORPEDO before moving and TRIGGER, I actually disallowed anything that doesn’t hit at least every ennemy position minus one (I allowed for just a little bit of tolerance).
TORPEDO after moving had to hit every ennemy position (damage>=1); it’s stricter because it also usually puts you at a charge disavantage in case of return fire, so better not miss.
This bit of heuristic allowed me to only consider one TRIGGER per turn (since it only happens before moving), and one TORPEDO per MOVE/SILENCE option, dramatically reducing branching.
Next I would just simulate all of those order combinations and evaluate the result as such:
if (damage >=
score = (the scoring of the depth search as explained in the previous section)
if (hasNotSilenced)
score += (some function based on the number of my positions according to my self-tracking)
if (hasNotSurfaced)
score += (some function based on the numer of available tiles)
score += (some function based on the damage done from trigger and torpedo, if any)
score -= (some function based on the probability of getting a torpedo in the face)
return score
Probability of torpedo in the face is defined as the number of paths that the ennemy can shoot at me from, divided by his total number of possible paths (now that’s proper probabilities!)
Or zero if his cooldown is not up, assuming that the opponent always charges his torpedo as a first priority.
Note that removing the bonus based on my number of possible positions when the order combination includes a SILENCE, or the number of available tiles in case of a SURFACE, is my way to assign a cost to those actions.
It turns out to pretty naturally balance itself out: the more detected you get, the less a SILENCE costs. The less space you have, the less a SURFACE costs.
And of course the depth search and torpedo in the face parameter can also make those actions more likely as silencing to a more favorable location will reduce/remove those penalties.
Finally, the first condition make killshots happen very naturally as well.
What went wrong with that:
Not a whole lot to be honest, I feel like this is the part that works. It can be hard to balance out all of the parameters properly, but I think I managed. My pathing was often the death of me, but the eval itself tended to take the right decisions.
One thing I tried to improve towards the end was to allow for more order combinations. For instance, always doing MOVE before SILENCE will usually give you access to the same positions as SILENCE and then MOVE, except in those rare cases where the islands are set up just so.
That didn’t seem to add anything of value and more branching though, so in the end I just scratched that.
So there you go, that’s about all of my 600 LoC explained.
There’s a bunch I could’ve done better, but I’m very happy with the end result!
Thanks to everyone who made this contest happen, I had a lot of fun with it!