Onboarding - Puzzle discussion

all test cases are passed , but i don’t understand fast chaning array, i’m using python can somone please help me this is my code

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Fast changing list

here is the link for game : Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

You can’t shoot two enemies at the same time, see “output the value of either enemy1 or enemy2” in the statement.


I encountered the same issue - my solution was to cast the
nullable String? as String:

    String enemy1 = stdin.readLineSync() as String; 
    int dist1 = int.parse(stdin.readLineSync() as String); 
    String enemy2 = stdin.readLineSync() as String; 
    int dist2 = int.parse(stdin.readLineSync() as String); 

hi i need to the the coding language may you help me with that email me at [nope] thx

[please ask your questions here]

sorry can’t help just started coding

well try west to right

Hi guys i’m just new and am a programmer take care of me.

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I need help with putting in the codes.

so today i have giveawy not rn just tipying bc it say i can but yes i will, be haveing one

hi i really don’t get some of this

please help me to learn coarding

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Hello person Idk you but hello!>

i need help im 13 and i want to make a game but dont know how can you help me

check this out : https://www.codingame.com/playgrounds/40701/help-center/im-new-to-codingame

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:raising_hand_man: Hi to All, and many thanks to @TwoSteps for this url sharing, and specially :clap: to @VirtualAtom for this very good explained article on different parts of the the CodinGame platform :
=> I plusOne :+1: your presentation
→ I plan to share it to my colleagues, manager and newbies at work to encourage them “Coding for fun” with us :wink: !
. Bye, have a :sun_with_face:sun, :dark_sunglasses:fun and good CodinGame day to all :slight_smile:

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input() is really used by the game or it’s just an exercice and if you success, the game success too ?

input() is for your code to read the input data. After you process the input data and output (e.g. print, console.log) the answers correctly, you pass the game/testcase/validator.

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i know the use of input() but in real dev game it’s not like this it made if ? (expect maybe to walk / fire / other players actions)

This is CodinGame’s model of doing things. You may read more here: Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better . Different games have different input/output implementation models.


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