Objective-c is buggy. I cant use NSLog, CGpoint … etc
@yann_delrey: we know we have some improvements to make on the Objective-c side and we need your help! Would you mind sending a piece of code to coders@codingame.com that should work and does not?
Hello @xavier_desoindre ,
L’éclair indique le nombre de matchs qu’il reste à jouer après la mise dans l’arène pour établir un classement fiable. Une fois que la barre est remplie, votre IA ne déclenche plus de matchs (mais elle continue d’en faire avec les nouveaux entrants).
Pour les points, c’est un algorithme dérivé de TrueSkill, le système de la Xbox pour les classements multijoueur.
Chauffez-vous les gars
Nous sommes chaud… bientot la 1 ere place en te detronnant … enfin bientot… le temps de bien comprendre qu’elle est la bonne stratégie a appliquer !
Et la drôle d’icône qui permet d’afficher l’historique des matchs, qu’est-ce qu’elle peut bien représenter ? Un « V5 » ? Une rune eldar ?
P. S. Le symbole des deux piafs accolades pour Haskell… Pfuittt… ಠ_ಠ On en met juste pour les commentaires multilignes !
VS (like versus) I guess.
Bonjour bonjour, j’aimerais savoir quel était le nombre maximum de jetons sur le plateau, parce que même en mettant des valeurs astronomiques dans max_neutral_count il semble que ce nombre ait un maximum. L’information est sûrement déjà quelque part mais je n’arrive pas à la trouver Merci d’avance
Hello, I would like to know what’s the maximum number of chips on the board, because I played with the max_neutral_count variable and it does seems that the total count is locked (it should be ! ^^). This piece of information is surely somewhere but I couldn’t find it Thx
Tu as trouvé comment faire ? Ça m’intéresse… Tu peux partager quelques explications ?
Tout est expliqué dans le topic sur le moteur physique.
une fois que tu as toutes les précisions c’est de la physique très basique, à toi de te débrouiller ^^
Hi everybody, I was wondering if there was a way to share a match ? I mean, sometimes, IAs’ behaviour can be fun/bright/dumb (at the same time) ^^ A simple display of the seed, player_initial_radius, etc… in the “last battles” frame would be enough I guess.
For instance, I just had one of my chips dancing a tango with somebody’s one, it was quite funny ! And it is so random x)
Hi Robin, you are right, it’s a must have feature Hope we get it quickly @FredTreg !
Wanna test your AI with a very uncomfortable start set ? try this (2,3,4 players)
For those who are not courageous enough to try it : the droplets are a little larger than the players, so if you move, you become the smallest one on the board.
I guess if you want to win this game, you gotta play risky
i want to know how to make a different direction for every chip ??
i code with python
What do you mean ? For each chip you print a line with its direction, so you just have to print different lines
Hi guys!
A general question, more for the contest organisers : could we have more informations on what will happen and how it will work after the dead line?
Will it work as with tron and game of drones where the system remains the same and only the submissions are then disabled? Or do we put everyone to a score of 0, start a new sets of matchs for everyone so each bot will get the same amount of matchs, and potentially that your final score becomes the mean of your trueskill evaluation so that the first matches are counting nearly as much as the lasts ones and it will ensure a certain stabilisation?
I don’t know about Tron, but iirc for Games of Drones, scores were reset to make the final ranking so it’d probably be the same here.
Same question, and most of all, how many matches will be played ? Please make it at least 5.000/player.
is maximum calculation time in arena (arène ?) the same as in editor interface ? I profile my run time, and I got big differences between 2 runs. How do you calculate this run time. It dependence of occupation of processor ? So if many runs behave, run time will be heigher ? Is 100 ms calculation time very strict or not ?
100 ms is real time and should be accurate, it is not cpu time. On heavy loads, you may get less cpu time. It is not advised to used multiple threads as you will be taking more cpu from yourself.