Power Of Thor - Episode 1 - Puzzle discussion

I got a test case
Thor position = (-1,4). Light position = (31,4)
I think x= -1 position is invalid!!!

This is the result of what your algorithm does. Just above, you have this sentence:

Failure: Thor wandered off the path and died (invalid position).

Hi, I don’t know if any of this happened to you guys but this puzzle doesn’t work when providing a solution in Python3. I even checked with the given solution and it still return some errors…

I tried using C now, and the same happens, although this time the given solution does work, but mine doesn’t even though it’s the same… Maybe I just can’t read or something.
Aparently it’s an error to declare things like char solutionX = " "; instead of
char solutionX = "";

So… yep… and it also magically works in python3 aswell…

I had the same issue with Python3. When I test my code, I only could reach 75%. But when I submitted, I got 100%! :slight_smile:

Can anyone help me out, figuring out what is wrong with my code

 * Auto-generated code below aims at helping you parse
 * the standard input according to the problem statement.
 * ---
 * Hint: You can use the debug stream to print initialTX and initialTY, if Thor seems not follow your orders.

fscanf(STDIN, "%d %d %d %d",
    $lightX, // the X position of the light of power
    $lightY, // the Y position of the light of power
    $initialTX, // Thor's starting X position
    $initialTY // Thor's starting Y position

// game loop
while (TRUE)
    fscanf(STDIN, "%d",
        $remainingTurns // The remaining amount of turns Thor can move. Do not remove this line.

    // Write an action using echo(). DON'T FORGET THE TRAILING \n
    // To debug (equivalent to var_dump): error_log(var_export($var, true));

    // A single line providing the move to be made: N NE E SE S SW W or NW
  $lx = $lightX;
  $ly = $lightY;
  $thorx = $initialTX;
  $thory = $initialTY;

  if($ly < $thory){
  elseif($ly > $thory){
   if($lx < $thorx){
  elseif($lx > $thorx){



I just put your code snippet into PHP Formatter (first thing I’ve found on Google). Is it a lot nicer now? As a bonus, your error better stands out now.

 * Auto-generated code below aims at helping you parse
 * the standard input according to the problem statement.
 * ---
 * Hint: You can use the debug stream to print initialTX and initialTY, if Thor seems not follow your orders.

fscanf(STDIN, "%d %d %d %d", $lightX, // the X position of the light of power
    $lightY, // the Y position of the light of power
    $initialTX, // Thor's starting X position
    $initialTY // Thor's starting Y position

// game loop
while (TRUE) {
    fscanf(STDIN, "%d", $remainingTurns // The remaining amount of turns Thor can move. Do not remove this line.
    // Write an action using echo(). DON'T FORGET THE TRAILING \n
    // To debug (equivalent to var_dump): error_log(var_export($var, true));
    // A single line providing the move to be made: N NE E SE S SW W or NW
    $lx    = $lightX;
    $ly    = $lightY;
    $thorx = $initialTX;
    $thory = $initialTY;
    // Maybe I should print some things on STDERR to debug my program?

    if ($ly < $thory) {
        echo ("N");
    elseif ($ly > $thory) {
        echo ("S");
    if ($lx < $thorx) {
        echo ("W");
    elseif ($lx > $thorx) {
        echo ("E");
    echo ("\n");


In C++

When I try to update thorY like this
it doesn’t work all the time
but when I wrote it out it did

I thought these were the same, why isn’t the first working?

Because it’s thorY-=1 (that is thorY=thorY-1), not thorY=-1 (that is thorY=-1).

1 Like

I have a question about my code. Everything works except the optimal angle when i submit my code. The optimal angle within the IDE works though.

  int lightY = in.nextInt(); // the Y position of the light of power
        int initialTX = in.nextInt(); // Thor's starting X position
        int initialTY = in.nextInt(); // Thor's starting Y position
        int distanceX=0;
        int distanceY=0;
        int counterX=0;
        int counterY=0;

        // game loop
        while (true) {
            int remainingTurns = in.nextInt(); // The remaining amount of turns Thor can move. Do not remove this line.

            // Write an action using System.out.println()
            // To debug: System.err.println("Debug messages...");

            // A single line providing the move to be made: N NE E SE S SW W or NW
            distanceX= (lightX-initialTX);
            distanceY= (lightY-initialTY);
            if((Math.abs(distanceX) + Math.abs(distanceY))>=remainingTurns && counterX < distanceX && counterY < distanceY && lightY>initialTY && lightX>initialTX){
           else if(counterX < distanceX) {
            else if((Math.abs(distanceX) + Math.abs(distanceY))>=remainingTurns && counterX < distanceX && counterY < distanceY  && lightY<initialTY && lightX<initialTX){
            else if((Math.abs(distanceX) + Math.abs(distanceY))>=remainingTurns && counterX < distanceX && counterY < distanceY && lightY>initialTY && lightX<initialTX){
            else if(counterX<Math.abs(distanceX)){
            else if(counterY<distanceY) {
            else if((Math.abs(distanceX) + Math.abs(distanceY))>=remainingTurns && counterX < distanceX && counterY < distanceY && lightY<initialTY && lightX>initialTX){
            else if(counterY>Math.abs(distanceY)){

Can I get some help to fix my code because I am only receiving 75% always.

Are you sure that what you go North, Y increases?

Yes counterY updates when i go North but the problem occurs when I GO West. When I proceed to go west, the program cannot stop going West and causes Thor to exceed the bounds of the map.

The check for going SW isn’t checking the X-axis the same as the check for going W. The one going W seems to work, so…

ohh yes thankyou!!

with the php language at the third testcase is a bug, with the code below I solve the first and second testcase, but the third and fourth is impossible, my variable “torX” is increasing in one turn from 4 to 17 for the third level, and for the fourth the programm doesn’t change direction, it goes in the opposit direction:

fscanf(STDIN, "%d %d %d %d",
    $lightX, // the X position of the light of power
    $lightY, // the Y position of the light of power
    $initialTX, // Thor's starting X position
    $initialTY // Thor's starting Y position

$torX = $initialTX;
$torY = $initialTY;
$turn = 0;
$s = 0;
$n = 0;
while (TRUE)
    $x = "";
    $y = "";

    if($torX < $lightX){
        $x = "E";
        $torX = $torX + 1;
    }elseif($torX > $lightX){
        $x = "W";
        $torX = $torX - 1;
    if($torY < $lightY){
        $y = "S";
        $torY += $torY + 1;
        $s = $s + 1;
    }elseif($torY > $lightY){
        $y = "N";
        $torY = $torY - 1;
        $n = $n + 1;

    if($turn < 13 && $torY == 17){
        $torY -= $turn;
    error_log(var_export($torY, true));

and the ouput:

Standard Error Stream: 9 19 18 13 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 ...


also true for Java I thought since thorY =+ 1 means thorY = thorY + 1 it would be the same.

what is wrong with this code?

int main()
    int lightX; // the X position of the light of power
    int lightY; // the Y position of the light of power
    int initialTX; // Thor's starting X position
    int initialTY; // Thor's starting Y position
    scanf("%d%d%d%d", &lightX, &lightY, &initialTX, &initialTY);

    // game loop
    while (1)
        int remainingTurns; // The remaining amount of turns Thor can move. Do not remove this line.
        scanf("%d", &remainingTurns);
        else if(initialTY<lightY&&initialTX>lightX)
        else if(initialTY>lightY&&initialTX>lightX)
        else if(initialTY<lightY&&initialTX<lightX)

        else if(initialTX<lightX)
        else if(initialTY<lightY)
        else if(initialTY>lightY)
        // Write an action using printf(). DON'T FORGET THE TRAILING \n
        // To debug: fprintf(stderr, "Debug messages...\n");

        // A single line providing the move to be made: N NE E SE S SW W or NW

    return 0;

do you know Thor’s current position?

Hello guys, i have one problem in 3 test cases. I checked will the Thor change direction.

Thor start position

Thor’s ready to go.
Thor position = (31,4). Light position = (0,17). Energy = 44

My code

while (true){
            if (initialTY >= 10)
            else System.out.println("S");

Thor didn’t change direction. His last position.

Failure: Thor wandered off the path and died (invalid position).
Thor position = (31,18). Light position = (0,17). Energy = 31