Power Of Thor - Episode 1 - Puzzle discussion

Coordinates 0,0 are in the top-left corner, so going North will reduce your Y-coordinate by 1. This is standard in computer graphics.

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Same in JS

I wish it would specify in description that Thor’s coordinate’s aren’t updated automatically.
I thought “starting coordinates” were for each turn of the game


maan, first I didn’t update thors position and then I set thors position = initialPosition before the initialPosition is initialized xP

same problem here. i’m trying to solve it on python

Hey, i solved it. You have to update thor’s coordinates in every move. Thor’s coordinates in the input doesn’t change, it only gives you the first coordinates of Thor.

was getting frustrated so i copy pasted the solution to make sure it was possible. still doesn’t reach his goal on the last two tests…using swift.

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Wrote a correct code, didn’t work. Copy-pasted the ‘‘solution’’ offered - that doesn’t work either.

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The given solution works for me. Seems you made a mistake while copy pasting. Does the pseudo-code and the solution help you understand what’s wrong in your code?

Same to java, during testing all tests passed, and in submitting the last one is not working https://gyazo.com/bbba7537617c392f11ec54ff0d677d6b

seems you’re not handling correctly the direction South West. Check the replay.

I have no idea what is this error( error: bad operand types for binary operator ‘&&’ if((lightX > initialTX && lightY = initialY))

This is my code:

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.math.*;

 * Auto-generated code below aims at helping you parse
 * the standard input according to the problem statement.
 * ---
 * Hint: You can use the debug stream to print initialTX and initialTY, if Thor seems not follow your orders.
class Player {

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
        int lightX = in.nextInt(); // the X position of the light of power
        int lightY = in.nextInt(); // the Y position of the light of power
        int initialTX = in.nextInt(); // Thor's starting X position
        int initialTY = in.nextInt(); // Thor's starting Y position

        // game loop
        while (true) {
            int remainingTurns = in.nextInt(); // The remaining amount of turns Thor can move. Do not remove this line.

            // Write an action using System.out.println()
            // To debug: System.err.println("Debug messages...");

            // A single line providing the move to be made: N NE E SE S SW W or NW
          if(lightX > initialTX && lightY = initialY)
             else if(lightX < initialTX && lightY = initialY)
             else if(lightX = initialTX && lightY > initialY)
             else if(lightX = initialTX && lightY < initialY)
             else if(lightX < initialTX && lightY < initialY)
             else if(lightX < initialTX && lightY > initialY)
             else if(lightX > initialTX && lightY > initialY)
             else if(lightX > initialTX && lightY < initialY)

“==” != “=”

Check your expressions. (Assignment vs Comparison)
x = 1 is an assignment,
x == 1 a comparison

I have absolutely no clue on how to do the whole angles bs, I got the straight line and up testcases figured out, but I have no clue how to do the angle testcases

Try this:

Create an empty string.
If the y-coordinate is not the same as the target y-coordinate, make the string N or S, as appropriate.
If the x-coordinate is not the same as the target, add E or W to the string.
Output the string.
Don’t forget to update your position.

I’m a begginier.
Please help me.
In python, I dont undertsand while 1 :
Why 1 ? what’s this condition ? I dont understant why it is not an infinite loop ? because 1 is always true ?

Yes it is a infinite loop. Dont need a exit for this program.

In the if statement : You are writing initialY instead of initialTY!

I dont understand whats going wrong with my code.
It seems only once the loop is getting iterated as only one character is getting printed. Please help me out.

import java.util.*;
class Player {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
        int lightX = in.nextInt(); // the X position of the light of power
        int lightY = in.nextInt(); // the Y position of the light of power
        int initialTX = in.nextInt(); // Thor's starting X position
        int initialTY = in.nextInt(); // Thor's starting Y position
        while (true) 
            int remainingTurns = in.nextInt(); 
            String dirX="";
            String dirY="";
                    dirY= "S";
               else if(initialTY>lightY)
               else if(initialTY>lightX)
                    dirX= "W";

Check your IFs, you mixed X and Y somewhere…

And try println instead of print…

Every now and then use System.err.println(); for debug, sometimes it helps