Power Of Thor - Episode 1 - Puzzle discussion

This is answer for my question? But perhaps I understand you.

precisely in python it is proposed the next line.
    print(“Debug messages…”, file=sys.stderr)

But if I want to know, for example the value of the variable : thor_y


The first argument is an object, so you can write a message like “Debug messages…” or send a variable like thor_y.

In this case the precise print is dedicated to thor movement.
I ask print(thor_y)
He respond
Expected a movement (one of N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) but found ‘5’

Have you read the link given by @yohannjardin?

I just got it.
The syntax is:
print (“Debug messages …”, thor_y, file = sys.stderr)

Thank you

As I said, you can write something else than “Debug messages…”
Hence, the following is also valid:

print(thor_y, file=sys.stderr)

if TX > LX :
    elif TX < LX :
    elif TY > LY:

for 1 2 and 3 the code is ok but the 4 not :frowning:
help :D:D

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Is “NW” possible?

I’m stuck. Can somebody help me? I’m not very good at this.

We can help you but you should give hints about your difficulties (but not your full code).



it will fail in the case 3&4

it cout SE even in the Thor position = (17,17). Light position = (36,17)

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You don’t update Thors position. Inside your loop initialTX and initialTY are always the same.

I’m almost there, but I don’t fully understand the last part of the pesudocode. " Indicate, before the end of the turn, the chosen direction as the concatenation of directionY and directionX."


I know I’m suppose to determine the direction, here. Can anyone give me hints?

Dear anyone, I would really could use some help.

I’m typing in C++

I’m trying to follow the Pseudo Code as much as possible.

I wish I could post my code here, but everytime I do, it gets edited/removed.

The last part of the pseudo code is “Indicate, before the end of the turn, the chosen direction as the concatenation of directionY and directionX.” which I don’t fully understand.

I know it’s suppose to interlock/work together, with North and South and East and West.

I feel like I’m so close, but just a hair off. Can someone please help me please.

You have to concatenate the two strings and a linebreak, and then use printf to output the result.

In C++ you can aslo output your response like this

cout << dir1 << dir2 << endl;

dir1 and dir2 can be string, char* or char.

how?? can you tell me the logic??

I need help, dont know how to pass ‘Easy and Optimal angle’ ? This is my code in PHP:

To make it in time Thor has to move diagonally (NE NW SE SW). Your code doesn’t allow that. Also, you have to update Thors position.