Shadows of the Knight - Episode 1 - Puzzle discussion

Could someone help me with it because i have no idea how to solve it unless i hard code it?I am writing the program in c++.

Try to cut the grid in half with each guess. You can google ā€˜binary searchā€™ for some examples of how this is accomplished.


first of all i cant understand what to do and how to doā€¦ pls help how to start this puzzleā€¦i am beginner

guys i wanna run a virtual loop (doesn t make an output) in the end of it i shall have the Y and X of the bomb
BUT I DON T KNOW WHAT IS THE INPUT VALUE OF ā€œbombDirā€ when batman get to it ???

Hello everyone, could someone help me understand how to apply the binary search even though I know the directions and not the target value?

Too much of guessing. No mention how W, H, N, X0, Y0 are generated? Seems randomly by you, I started to put conditions into values. Where is bomb location, shall I create a variable or your engine creates it? I donā€™t get it at, please advise.

im having trouble on tower could you help me see what im doing wrong

Made it. I got some practice.

I have not fully understand why it will help but thank you

here is my c++ code ,but it just pass a few test, most of the failed tests is about the late time , i think the range should be revised , but i dont nknow how to develop this code

 #include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

 * Auto-generated code below aims at helping you parse
 * the standard input according to the problem statement.
int main()
    int W; // width of the building.
    int H; // height of the building.
    cin >> W >> H; cin.ignore();
    int N; // maximum number of turns before game over.
    cin >> N; cin.ignore();
    int X0;
    int Y0;
    int first_x =0 ;
    int first_y = 0;
    int last_x = W;
    int last_y = H;
    //the batman start location.
    cin >> X0 >> Y0; cin.ignore();

    // game loop
    while (1) {
        string bombDir; // the direction of the bombs from batman's current location (U, UR, R, DR, D, DL, L or UL)       
        cin >> bombDir; cin.ignore();

        // Write an action using cout. DON'T FORGET THE "<< endl"
        if(bombDir[0] == 'U')
            last_y --;
        else if(bombDir[0] == 'D')
            first_y ++;
        if(bombDir[1] =='L')

        else if(bombDir[1] == 'R')
           first_x ++;
    X0 = first_x + (last_x-first_x)/2;
    Y0 = first_y + (last_y - first_y)/2;
    cout <<X0<<" "<<Y0<< endl;   

    return 0;

can you help me ,some test i got the bomb explode

I donā€™t get what Iā€™m supposed to be doing for this episode. I type the coordinates into print, but my progress isnā€™t getting recorded, and the test cases keep saying ā€˜check againā€™, even when Iā€™ve typed in the right coordinates.
Iā€™m using JavaScript.

You type the coordinates: what coordinates ?
What are the right coordinates in your mind ?
Do you take into account the inputs ?

You are qualified to be batman if youā€™re a rich orphan and have a strange fear of bats.

ļ¼ˆ2,5ļ¼‰ UR grow to (5,4)
i think it is wrong,who can tell me
(2,5) UR later, and i think it is to be:
(2,5)+(9,0) / 2 = (5,2)

I donā€™t understand AT ALL what should be done. Even the example:
5 4 *Batman jumps to window (5,4)
Why the next jump should be (5,4)? What is the logic?

In the example, you start on a cell located row 5 column 2.
You have to go to the cell where the bombs are, but you donā€™t know which one.
You just know the direction: upward-right.
So you try a new location, which must be upper and righter.

If you were basic human, you would try to jump on the next adjacent cell, the one on row 4 column 3.
But you are the Batman! You can jump everywhere you want.
So you try the cell on row 4 (nice, itā€™s upper than starting row 5) and column 5 (nice too, itā€™s on the right to the starting column 2).
But you could have chose a cell on row 0 and column 8, or any other cell: itā€™s up to you.

Once on your new location, you receive new instructions, and have to guess a new jump, and so on until you find the final location.
Good luck Batman.

cg123 have totally right! You can take support over here : . Apply the same logic and it works great!!

Hi everyone
can someone help me.
I got this error
Failure: invalid input. Expected ā€˜x yā€™ but found ā€˜4 8 40ā€™
but I have no idea why ! I didnt change the line about input. I dont know why there is 3 ā€¦
(sorry im a beginner)

When itā€™s complaining about invalid input, itā€™s saying that the inputs it received from you are bad, meaning that itā€™s actually your OUTput that is the problem.

Specifically, it was expecting 2 numbers for x and y, but you gave it 3 numbers.

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