Temperatures puzzle discussion

Keep getting failed messages even though your output seems right?
Remove all output lines INCLUDING the “Result” line put in by default as that’s blocking the pass.
Spent 30 minutes with right answers trying to figure out what the heck was wrong :joy:

Hi, I think there is still a problem with the XP attribution after completing the puzzle.
I’ve 100% but 0/2 Success and no XP …
I solved the puzzle in C#. Thanks for checking

I wrote this code in python and it was working and all of the cases was green!
But when I submit that code, my score was 90%

Just in case, someone struggles and needs some help, here is the idea:

we know that the closest negative to the Zero is the max value of the negative right? and the closest positive to the Zero is the minimum number among the positives.

According to that statement, calculate that and handle the case where the distance to Zero is equal ( e.g -5 , 5 ) the distance is 5 to the Zero, hence the answer is 5 according to the problem statement.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

Hey, so I thought I was doing really well until my code didn’t work because I don’t have a size-1 array… Does anybody have any advice on how I could maybe fix that? :slight_smile:

Hi i dont understand why my code isn’t workin i tested on the terminal of node.js and it work but now in codingame didn’t, any one can tell me why? thanks before hand.

   const n = parseInt(readline()); // the number of temperatures to analyse
let numbers = readline().split(' ');
let pos = [];
let neg = [];
let num;
if(n > 0){
for(i in numbers)
    const t = parseInt(numbers[i])
    else if(numbers[i]>0){
    pos.sort(function(a,b){return a-b});
    neg.sort(function(a,b){return b-a});

    if(pos[0]===Math.abs(neg[0])) {
    }else if(pos[0]<Math.abs(neg[0])){
    }else if (pos[0]>Math.abs(neg[0]) ||pos[0]===undefined){


Your code doesn’t return anything for the 3rd test.

Bonjour, je crois qu’il y a un bug en JS. En effet, lorsque que la température n’est pas dans la fourchette (ex: 5527) le programme de rentre meme pas dans le for (for qui est présent à l’initialisation)

Test “Choose the right temperature” test is broken in Python.

The inputs provide both -5 and 5 and my code selects -5 because it sees -5 first. The test then rejects -5 as a valid answer and yet both answers have the same distance to zero.


Edit: Please ignore, I failed to RTFM. Thank you @Astrobytes

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From the statement:

Write a program that prints the temperature closest to 0 among input data. If two numbers are equally close to zero, positive integer has to be considered closest to zero (for instance, if the temperatures are -5 and 5, then display 5).

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Can, anyone help me with the condition of test case when there were no input and answer was zero in C++.

If you use std::min_element, it returns last if range is empty, so it should’nt be hard to manage.

You could also use a for loop and update min.

Hello! Just a little error I would like to point out to not confuse future programmers:

Standard Output Stream:







I have not used the absolute values of temperatures, thus I have a different result, but it is still valid (I hope :-).
Have a good day.

Quote of the rules:
If two numbers are equally close to zero, positive integer has to be considered closest to zero (for instance, if the temperatures are -5 and 5, then display 5).
So, no, it’s not valid, sorry :wink:

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Oh, I am very sorry… it was late and I have not seen that rule… sorry for disturbing :slight_smile:.

Have a nice day!







// #pragma GCC optimize("O3") 

#include <iostream>

#include <algorithm>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <vector>

#include <numeric>

using namespace std ; 

using ll = long long ;

int main(){

    int n ;

    vector<int> v,v1 ;

    cin >> n; 

    if(n == 0){

        cout << "0" << "\n" ;



        for(int i = 0;i < n ; ++i){

            int t ; 

            cin >> t ; 

            v.push_back(abs(t-0)) ;



        sort(v.begin(),v.end()) ;

        int cnt = 0 ,imax = 0,sum = 0 ;

        for(auto it = v1.begin();it != v1.end(); ++it){

            if(*it == v[0] || *it == (-1)*v[0]){

                cnt++ ;

                imax = *it ;



        if(cnt == 2){

            cout << v[0] << "\n" ;


        else if(cnt == 1){

            cout << imax << "\n" ;


        else if(cnt == 2 && accumulate(v1.begin(),v1.end(),sum) < 0){

            cout << imax << "\n" ;



    return 0 ;


I have submitted this code, its failing one test case how the both negative ones, how??

Your script returns the mininimal temperature, and if the min is negative and the positive corresponding temperature exists, it returns the positive one.

It’s not what is asked.
Your approach would work if you sort by absolute value instead of default sorting.

But if you’re going to iterate over the values anyway, you can just add a condition here, like “if the absolute value is <= than absolute value of the current min and …”

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Thanks, I am trying my best to solve the question.

I always pass everty single test, excpet the validator 7. No idea on why this is happening.


If you can’t figure out the problem by looking at your code, how could we without seeing it ?