What’s your code for handling the bomb limits?
This was my approach. Didn’t even need memorization and run under 10ms the worst case. It was quite easy, code very understandable and fast. Used python with sets for the bomb/nodes relations and iterators for the combinations
For Vox Codei Ep 1 there is NO need to use backtracking in this puzzle. I have been mislead by comments in this forum (no offense! ) to use such a technique and lost a lot of time figuring it’s absolutely unecessary. You can solve the puzzle with a simple greedy algorithm. IMO, the hard part is to find the heuristic for the final test (trap). Otherwise it’s pretty straightforward using bruteforce and simulation.
This is a forum culture issue that affects Vox Codei and a few other puzzles, @UrbanWhale.
This is the primary topic for all of Vox Codei. There are comments here that relate to VC Ep 1, VC Ep 2, and to the original contest (IIRC. Been a while since I read the topic from the top). Sometimes you have to determine from context which incarnation of VC a particular post refers to. When it sounds like a poster is talking about a different puzzle, they may well be. Just acknowledge and move on, maybe bookmark something if it looks like it will be useful later.
Hi, I have just finished the puzzle in python and when I confirmed my solution, which passed the tests %100, I decided to give it a try one of the solutions that codingame offers… The second solution isn’t solving whole test cases, hups!! Only 93%…