About the Feedback & Bugs category

Use this category to tell us your general feelings about the platform or report bugs and fixes

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Editor on CG. Recently the cursor stopped working correctly. Clicking a blank line does not set cursor to beginning of line. Very annoying.

I was trying to give feedback on the puzzle The Resistance, link.

After clicking on the reply the panel at the bottom opened up without the Reply/Cancel buttons at the bottom (screenshot at the end). Inspecting the html shows that it is in the DOM but not visible/doesn’t fit in the page. Compared to opening this Forum, I can see the buttons. Eventually succeeded by realising that Ctrl+Enter works from the tooltip in the Forum button.

OS: Windows 10
Firefox: 87.0 (64-bit)
Chrome: Version 89.0.4389.128 (Official Build) (64-bit)

I tried to crop all meaningful data from the picture as I don’t know what can be seen before solving the puzzle.

How can i contact an admin for a bug submission ?

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Hi there.

Love your work. It’s an amazing site! Keep up the good work. :slight_smile:

Tiny bug

You have an achievement called ‘100% Skynet Revolution - Episode 1’,
but that puzzle doesn’t exist anymore. I think you might have renamed it to ‘Death first search’ maybe?

Feature Request

Some of your puzzles I’ve solved in more than one language,
some puzzles I can’t remember whether I’ve completed but I might have
changed language since completion so I end up having to try and select different
languages to see if what I’ve submitted previously.

So I think you lack some support to navigate all solved and attempted puzzles,
like your own personal code submission overview or something like that with
links and overview of completion rate and language. That’ would be a neat feature! :slight_smile:

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Hi there. I really think you should have a look at your achievements.
It seems some of them are outdated and impossible to achieve anymore.

For example the achievement ‘50% Bender - Episode 1’ doesn’t seem to exist
or be solvable anymore. There’s a match for ‘bender—episode-4’ but solving that
does not hit the achievement.

I think the achievements are really nice and motivating, and it would be neat
if all the visible achievements was actually possible to solve.

Kind Regards

(post deleted by author)