Achievements Not Updating

Hi all,
New member here, created an account today and completed my first three training challenges. I have completed all three with 100% completion. Despite this, I am getting no experience (still level 1, 0/28 XP), and the achievements are not unlocking (for example 100% of challenge X).

The issue is similar to this post from 2 years ago:

Sadly, the solution there doesn’t really apply.

Please help!

Not a new member, but the achievements stopped updating for me as well.

I’m a new one and I also have issues with achievement updating. I thought I was doing something wrong, but I see now, it’s not only my problem. Have someone tried to contact tech support with this question?

Not a new member. Same happened for me. The spot that shows new unlocked achievements was stuck at loading… after completing a puzzle.

Yeah something is bugged. I’m sure they will fix it soon. This thread is good exposure of the problem though! ^ ^

Just completed a puzzle today 100% in the easy category but it did not update me any trophies or XP..

I have the same problem. I’m also trying to add pictures to my profile and it doesn’t work :frowning:

same problem. is any method to fix?

we have a bug. We’ll fix it asap. You’ll get back the XP you missed. Sorry :anguished:


It seems to me that this bug is still there.
Bot fixed or regression anyway still occurs.

what achievement are you missing?
Perhaps the issue was temporary. Could you try again?