Allow Email Update

Hello everyone.

I’m interested into change my account email, however it seems like it’s not allowed.

Are the developers planning to add that feature?
Why can’t we update it?
Would it be possible that the staff change it manually for me?



As well, while we are at this…
If you connect your account to facebook, and you decide to change the primary email in facebook, the log in won’t work as expected.

UP this. My account is with an old email adress that I link to my main email, and I keep getting emails with delay. Even as a moderator I can’t change my email, that’s weird ^^


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That would be definitely great to let people update their email address (that’s particularly true when we see some people applying to companies with a fake - and sometimes outrageous - address…). cc @nicolas


Hello again.

Any progress so far? I still want to change my e-mail address and I can’t edit it.



Same here … I wanted to remove my Google+ connection and set a new login.

This is now possible, you can edit your email in your profile.

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