ASCII art puzzle discussion

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oui les espaces m’ont fait rater le dernier test…il faut mettre le mode expert pour bien comprendre cet énoncé

Hi guys i just want to do the reverse i have the ascii art. There are ascii art design as input and based on that i need to figure out the correct letter and print it

.For further details please have a look here and please help me out.

Just completed the last test case, the Lorem ipsum one. I realized there’s a hidden requirement, the execution time - if the string gets too long, and your parsing of the input too complex (like mine), the test will time out.

There’s two solutions: Refactor your code, especially to get rid of nested loops, or do as I did, and parallelize when possible.

Using C# btw.

The validation seems to be broken. I am using Clojure. My solution passes all tests, but not a single one of the validators (no, not even the single G). I rewrote my solution 3 times very differently, in every case it passed all the tests, failed all the validators. In my despair, i tried a clojure solution from github: All tests pass, all validators fail. This is frustrating, folks.

indeed the validation is broken with Clojure. We’ll fix it as soon as possible.

Hi everybody,

I’m programming in Python and I doesn’t understand what this line does:
row = input()
What is the input?

Thank you


En python je ne comprends pas ce que fait cette ligne:
row = input()
Notamment le fait que l’input soit vide…
Si quelqu’un peut m’aider à comprendre cela.


j’arrive pas a comprendre l’énoncé de l’exo. ce qu’on attend de nous une fois avoir recupéré la chaine T en entrée. c’est assez énervant de pas capter ce qu’il faut faire.
est ce qu’il faut encoder en transformant chaque lettre de l alphabet par des # ?
parce que ca l air d etre bien long d ecrire des trucs du style

case “A”: encode=" # \n# #\n###\n# #\n# # ";
default: encode=“point d interrogation a encoder” ;

en suivant le schemas fourni puis en injectant le tout dans un writeline ?
( je code en c# )
si quelqu’un pouvait expliquer vite fait ce qu’on attend de nous de maniere un peu plus claire, je vous remercie, par cequ’en balyant le forum ca parle que de la phrase en latin, je vois pas une fois une explication claire de ce qu on doit faire avec le writeline et chaque lettre de l alphabet encoder, decoder? bref c est flou

so if i understand well, we have to find a way to extract in the" ascii art letter" the regular one and then send the ascii art letter to print out ?

Just solved lorem ipsum case. I write in Java. My code do this:

  • create map of string and char array
  • convert text to char array
  • create result array by getting first letter from map and then in loop getting next letters and change this array.
    all works, but not lorem ipsum dollor in case that “references to object” (when i get first letter from map and than change it - I change it in map too)

My for loops in JAva Dont Work

I think there is a problem with the input of the C++ test case “Test ManhAtTan”;

Here is the direct output of the input (letters):

As you can see, there are several “013719013” that souldn’t be there.


EDIT: added screenshot

or you have an issue in your code when you insert an integer in the middle :slight_smile:

cout << offset;

Hi Thibaud,

First of all, thanks for the answer.

But I don’t understand.
On the screenshot, you can look at my code on the right.
I do not insert anything, I just print the input.

Sorry if I’m missing your point.

I can’t see much on your screenshot :wink:

I just tried outputting the input and got it right. Moreover, if I remove the line where you print the offset variable in your code, I get no issue.

Ok… I’m just dumb af XD

And now I understand your first message. I didn’t know you could see my code.

Sorry for bothering you for such a silly mistake.


I had problem with the Lorem ipsum test in Lua.

To solve it I used the function string:gsub() and the necessary character class. In this case the %p & %s classes.

I would read the T string via the gsub function and that way replace all the “unknown” characters with “?”.

I’m trying to do this puzzle in Python3.
I’m confused about the output string. Regardless the algorythm, even if I print a static string (for the first excercise with letter ‘E’) I get odd feedback.

Example 1
If I print static:
print("### ")
I get:
Found: Nothing
Expected: "### "

Example 2
If I print static:
print("### \0")
I get:
Found: "### "
Expected: "### "

Why on earth should I use ‘\0’ in Python? Why is the result still incorrect?

You are expected to print more than 1 line. The “Found: Nothing” refers to the missing 2nd line.