Bug report: Hover userbox's profile URL pseudo-card handled in cg-codingamer-card-popup-display sometimes throws error

Hovering over a user will give a tooltip userbox (for lack of a better term) pretty much every time. A pseudo-card in a pseudo-container holds the profile URL / link. Please see this attachment for the DOM placement to get a better idea of what I am referring to:

Clicking this will, on pages and conditions that I have no pinpointed yet, not lead to anywhere. Attempting to click on another / the same link without re-opening the dialogue box will load a profile - my own profile. Please see this video for reproducing the bug:

Exact steps for this particular case:

  1. Load Nintendo’s sponsored contest https://www.codingame.com/training/expert/nintendo-sponsored-contest, clash of code https://www.codingame.com/multiplayer/clashofcode or any puzzle page with a “progress of my friends” button, that you can press a “(Number here)+” square to open up a full list
  2. Click on stated dialogue box to show more friends / users I am following. (Links in the “already in page” userboxes do work, don’t bother with it)
  3. Hover over any user. This opens up a box with more details about them. Ponder about them. When will I get to play clash with them again?
  4. Click on their profile link in the box - as you can see, it doesn’t work. If you click on it again, it brings me to my profile

As you can see in the end of the video, there is an error in the console. You can find the trace here: http://ix.io/1ytW

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Thank you for the thorough bug reporting.

We’re doing some work to reduce technical debt (DB split between CG and CG for work and other things), but I have no idea if it’s related.

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