Clash of Code : Bugs & Improvement

print() in js adds a newline in the end doesn’t it?

Hmm, that’s probably why. Then that should be on Clash of Code to fix. However, on any other problems requiring output of a single line, it’s been fine most of the time too, so I don’t think that’s the case.

Also, since my original post, I haven’t encountered these issues again with JavaScript. If that’s because an actual fix has been made, then thanks a lot. However, I do still see some weird results from others.

For example, recently there’s this Reverse Mode averaging problem that I think is very trivial to deduce and solve in a short time. However, other players seem to struggle and even the 6th player that used to beat me quickly a lot on both harder and simpler problems before without issues:


var N = parseInt(readline());
var inputs = readline().split(’ ');
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
sum+= parseInt(inputs[i]);

I think there’s a leaderboard bug.

Leaderboard shows me that martin is first and unihedron is 3rd, but after going to their profiles i see something completly different :open_mouth:

Martin is 17th

and Unihedron is first

Didn’t have time to check all forum posts but after quick look didn’t find any corresponding to this.

Using Safari Browser :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheers :slight_smile:

not sure, but I’d say that the profile panel is updated once a day (like the achievements) whereas the leaderboard is updated continuously.

I don’t know if it is said before but here is my suggestion:

Now there are 3 modes: fastest, shortest and reverse

I think reverse mode is not a mode because the winner is the fastest like in fastest mode.

What about letting the winner be the player who needed less compilations in order to pass all the test and in the case of a tie, take the fastest?

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I second scauler’s suggestion.

another minor nitpick:
the text still reads “Join a 5min coding battle!”

anyone ever had a 5min one? all i get are 15mins… (which is perfect for me!)


I consider some clashes to be very annoying.

Many of them were up-voted, approved and went through contribution acceptance process, but it seems that they are not liked.

How about removing some of the clashes in post acceptance process based on “Fun” and feedback ratings?

Simple solution: after 6 months “Fun” rating is check and if mean in below ‘**’ (two stars) it is removed.

there is already a bot which removes unliked contributions:

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Oh, indeed.
I didn’t see that and I guess I have a bit different clash expectations :wink:

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No, it’s not about me. Something is really wrong with clash acceptance and rating:
clash link

Copy-pasting is a valid stratagy.
Even more, it’s a good stratagy. You can learn things by copying

Sorry I strongly disagree, because people copy stuff without understanding it. And after they say they are CoC champions.
If you adapt some code to use it in a different problem, that’s called Implementing, and that’s a very good learning chance.
If you understand what you do.

Maybe we are talking about different things here.
Just copying someone elses solution and getting the results is bad.
Combining code written by others is good most of the time.
Sitting 15 minutes trying to figure out how to find all of the prime numbers in java in Shortest mode without googling and then loosing and feel frustration is bad.

1 Who cares about winning? The point is getting fun while learning
2 Java is NOT fit for shortest mode. Learn a compact language if you want shorter results.
3 Nobody says that you cannot google-up things or read your own previous code.

My proposal was to disable Paste commands so that one must actually TYPE in the code, thus having a similar time as people who didn’t have a source to copy from.
The latter could actually win because they don’t lose time to google-up or search for files, moving people from “i win because i saved all solutions in my database (even if i don’t understand them)” to “i win because i remember all algorithms and my problem-solving skills are faster”.

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I’m new here and maybe there is some good way to search here that I have not found. So sorry if this has been asked before.

Why is it that on fastest mode 0% solutions get a shared position regardless of time. (2 people may have position 7 for instance)
But in shortest mode 0% solutions are internally sorted on “shortness”? So that the winner of a room might be a 0% solution with 9 chars for instance.

See this room for example: Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

Is there a reason for this difference? I don’t see any benefit in this current behavior?

When the clash is on, it would be nice to see what languages opponents are using.

Concerning the last point, the solution is simple: wait until the end of the time to submit your solution since the objective is not to finish first but to have the most concise solution.

Moreover, in the faster and reverse modes, you take the rule well into account since you submit quickly but at the expense of the beauty and/or the conciseness of the program.

[IMPROVEMENT] I’d love to continue working on a problem after the clash has completed. I can think of two options that would enable this:

  • Add the puzzle Title to the results page so that we can look up the puzzle at CG Puzzle search
  • Add a puzzle Link to the results page so that we can navigate directly back to the puzzle.

I believe that this is a fairly common feature request in the forums and in chat, so I want to voice my support. Thanks.


Adding mine as well :raised_hands:

@_CG_ClementHammel Indeed I think this is a bug. The treatment should be consistent.

My recent clash results still show the same issue.

For example, in this Reverse Mode clash, the ranking is the same for all players who pass 0% of the cases, no matter what time they end the clash:

However, in this Shortest Mode clash, the players who pass 0% of the cases have different rankings: