Clash of Code Feedback

no one can beat python and ruby coders in [smallest code size] mode

Python is generally not in the same league as ruby. JS is at the same level as python tho.
Perl is on the same level as ruby, I think, maybe slightly better.

And there you have one of the main problems with separate languages. The is meta here already. By removing it you’ll make CoC less deep. Right now people that know a lot of languages have an edge because they can switch to the most suitable language for a task (js for Dates, ruby for literally everything else, bash for some cases I guess). And you can learn a more competitive language if you want that edge too.
This aspect promotes learning. By removing that you’ll remove depth. And the reason for that is because your favorite language is not performing well in single mode? I understand that, but I don’t like that at all.

Adding an option to choose a mod that you want to play would be a good solution tho

UPD: @freeman42x made a script that groups and ranks clash results depending on the language. I don’t know if they published it tho.


Where and how do I use this code?

If you use chrome then download tampermonkey extencion; create new script in it; then add code from " CodinGame Go to contribution button.user.js" to the new script. It wouldn’t work for you since you can’t access validated contributions list.

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The CoC Enhancer user script can be found here: The screenshots are outdated also

I’ve not worked on it for a long time since I’ve been busy with work. Will probably get back to it at some point.

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