Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

Hello you can help me on my code in javascript I’m stuck on the strick back part you will find my code below

let isStart = true

// game loop
while (true) {
    let inputs = readline().split(' ');
    const x = parseInt(inputs[0]);
    const y = parseInt(inputs[1]);
    const nextCheckpointX = parseInt(inputs[2]); // x position of the next check point
    const nextCheckpointY = parseInt(inputs[3]); // y position of the next check point
    const nextCheckpointDist = parseInt(inputs[4]); // distance to the next checkpoint
    const nextCheckpointAngle = parseInt(inputs[5]); // angle between your pod orientation and the direction of the next checkpoint
    let input = readline().split(' ');
    const opponentX = parseInt(input[0]);
    const opponentY = parseInt(input[1]);

    let thrust = 100
    if (isStart) {
        thrust = "BOOST"

    if (nextCheckpointAngle > 90 || nextCheckpointAngle < -90) {
        thrust = 0

    // You have to output the target position
    // followed by the power (0 <= thrust <= 100)
    // i.e.: "x y thrust"
    print(nextCheckpointX + ' ' + nextCheckpointY + ' ' + thrust + ' ' + thrust);
    isStart = false

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Coders Strike Back - Puzzle Discussion