I guess it was me wanting winter to be over asap (even if early March in Montpellier feels like spring already). Anyway, for other reasons, the Spring Challenge will be postponed (but will happen in spring). I’ll share news as soon as the new calendar is set.
Company/schools prizes will be revealed later. But the “almighty glory” is what they will be here for
Gadzarts of Chalons en Champagne are the real gadzarts …
The others are simply clones …
And i count 9 campus (including Karlsruhe)…
All joking aside, i think that it depends on school’s label in your profile
And so many possible labels for one school (acronym, full text, … )
But i can make a mistake …
Another real question, if a player as school and company … does it count for both ?
My school has six different campus locations across France. Is each campus competing individually or is it the school as a whole ?
It’s ok to have several entries for each campus of a school. At the end of the day, as dwarfie wrote, it depends on what you added to your profile. Same for companies.
if a player as school and company … does it count for both ?
Students should compete for their schools. If they’re currently interns, well, they can choose. It depends on the student/professional setting in your profile.