[Community Puzzle] Agent X, Mission 2—Mysterious Cryptogram - Puzzle discussion

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Created by @Jnath,validated by @field3,@rudkoo and @Code-Parser.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.

the first test is always wrong, what is the difference between the example and the first test?

I think you meant Validator 1 instead of the “first test”. Validator 1 is the only case where there is an instance of two words separated by a comma without a space immediately after (e.g. “abc,def” instead of “abc, def”).

This is a fine puzzle, but it would have deserved a bit more test cases.
My first try (with multiple bugs) passed all validators despite failing 2 ide tests.
After fixing the bugs I pass 100% in both IDE and validators, but I actually know that my solution is not complete and I could generate valid test cases it would fail to solve.

So for validator1, the encrypted text is like this example M,timwy,tifs,jmwb,zf… ?

Yes, something like that.