[Community Puzzle] ASCII Art The Drunken Bishop Algorithm

Oh yes, you’re right, I haven’t seen them ! I’ll have a look !

That’s a very interesting topic. I found out how to convert from hexa to bin ! I gonna go further…

As a beginner this took me ages, but I finally figured it out. It’s really cool to not only know how the SSH image is created, but to have re-created it. This exercise improved my skill greatly, in fact more than anything I’ve probably ever done to date, and it’s the first program I’ve written that I feel is well structured, and I wouldn’t be totally embarrassed to show to someone else. I used Go, and for the first time in my life I’m enjoying programming after 25 years of wanting to get good and always struggling and giving up. I’m not looking for a job or anything I’m just a nerd hobbyist. Thank you! On to the next challenge.


Thanks @DK-Notice, Your comment made me very happy!

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I’m having a problem with solving this puzzle in Kotlin as the first line of my output is always: “Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM warning: Options -Xverify:none and -noverify were deprecated in JDK 13 and will likely be removed in a future release.”
Can something be done to get rid of it? It leads to all of the tests failing.

Hi I was trying to solve it, everything looks good but my Validator 5 is failing only at one place, can someone please help.

In validator5 the player position moves from (0,1) to (0,0) (1 count) and the bit code for next 24 moves is “00”, which keeps the player in same position and increases the count and takes it to total 25 at (0,0), but the program expects the count to be 24. Not sure where am I getting it wronged.

Any help is appreciated.

“0 0” does appear in the expected output path for 25 times, not 24, and “%” = 10 = 25 mod 15.

Cheers mate! That makes sense, I actually eliminated 0=" " from my special char list and was trying % on the rest, I’ll relook into it!

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