[Community Puzzle] Boarding passes ready!

Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

Send your feedback or ask for help here!

Created by @21stCenturyPeon,validated by @Diabetos,@Jin66 and @TBali.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.

Not sure why this was marked as ‘medium’ difficulty.
It was fun, but really easy.

I agree with @Neuromution; it took about 20 minutes. It is a nice puzzle for practicing sorting and string parsing - but I think it can be switched to Easy difficulty level. (But, I only know Python: maybe in other languages this is more difficult to do.)

At 88% success rate, you might consider switching this to “easy”. This is a very nice puzzle and you will probably get even more engagement at the easy level. Some Codingamers might shy away because of the medium tag.

Agreeing with the above. I’ve done every easy puzzle on the platform (so far) and there are quite a few of them that are significantly harder than this.

There are easy puzzles that involve wall following, depth and breadth first search, fiddly ASCII art, etc. While this puzzle is just fine as a programming problem, it’s just basic loops and arrays.