[Community Puzzle] Breach

Thanks for the advice! Still searching for things I haven’t thought of yet. What puts me off is the expected input type of the lock. “series, state machine, 1”. None of these are types, and I find it a bit frustrating. And there are so many possible syntaxes for series or state machines. And there is no way to tell if the inputted type is wrong, so maybe I’m spending too much effort on input types that aren’t even valid.

As stated above somewhere in the thread, you must output one character per turn.

Don’t look for something too complicated :slight_smile:


Thanks, I got it!
I don’t understand the logic though, but yay!
Also, does this puzzle really deserve its “Very hard” difficulty? I would say it’s medium to hard, but not very hard.

It’s not the actual coding of the solutions that’s the hard part, it’s finding them in the first place.

I wouldn’t be opposed to this being ranked hard instead though, it does feel a bit out of place compared to stuff like vox codei 2.

The puzzle continue to run even when the unlocked state is reached…

Great puzzle, still not crashing yet :slight_smile:

I really enjoyed this one, tickled the brain cells beyond just the programming.

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Nice. But for me, a validator randomly rolled a “0” as input where I think inputs should be 1-based indices.


interestingly so far only javascript solutions are available


There are solutions in other languages, you must be filtering the solutions to JavaScript only, there’s a dropdown at the top left of the page where you can select the language.

Thank you for this tip! It sures help to see this result…
The logic behind this lock was not obvious to me, once solved it is obvious though, but at first I really didn’t understand it and focused on the wrong things…
@pardouin said

The goal is to activate all links from left to right (they become green when activated)

That is absolutely true and I didn’t pay too much attention to that, I was conceited and thought “Obviously we need to activate all links”, but I should have stopped my thoughts a little longer on this sentence which is a huge tip.

Once again, great puzzle, thanks a lot for it!
It gave me a lot of headaches and the solutions are actually so simple, it’s kind of magical, or disappointing depending your mindset :wink:

I’ve reached the online state, now, as you said, I have to try everything that comes to mind. My question is, what if nothing came :smiling_face_with_tear: ?

EDIT: Ideas will always come, just wait for them, I’ve got it right!